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17yr old min age all well and good.......BUT!!!!


Pretty boy
Jul 10, 2001
So seems planet have already been stepping out of line, We seriously need to speak with our suppliers ASAP, maybe UKPSF or a similar body issue a statement to all UK shops and sites stating the facts that govern them.

Followed by maybe a statement to the press dis associating ourselves from these "TOY" markers.

As for the under 17 thing, i think its shouted that it will stunt our growth. I feel that the bad press coming from this kinda thing does far more to kill our sport than to promote it.

Better to regulate these kids at places like sparks, Have it so they pay a membership to own a marker, But it never leaves site apart from supervised tournys etc. Kinda like a youth club paintball thing. Besides, How many below 17 players can actually afford to play seriously on the tournament scene? Think we have more to risk than to gain.
Oct 4, 2001
all over
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i can......and did, but im not the problem because i spent all my time and money on paintball and i love the sport. Which is why im concerned about its future not just playing in the present.

i always found a way to play, wouldnt you?


***ud father
Apr 12, 2002
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17 seems a strange age. Wonder how they got that? Fact is, some people were born ready, and others will never be old enough. What do ya'll hope to accomplish with a gun registry?


Pretty boy
Jul 10, 2001
Yeah chris, but i would say you are in the minority for under 17s.

Even if you were the majority it only takes a few idiots to spoil it for everyone :(

Gun registary is a slightly seperate issue the way i see it. Not related to the age thing directly, other than if a parent was buying for their kid, then they would be responsible for it. But i see it as we are not afraid to stand up and be counted.
I would like to think that if every gun had to be registered then all existing guns would be owned by people all ready in the sport. All subsequent ones will only be sold to informed adults weither buying for them selfs or their children.

Very few ballers buy a gun before ever playing, paul collier being the only one I have heard of (sorry mate but you are an exceotion)

As I advocated earlier in this thread I would be very happy to run UKPSF affeliated care and appreciation course. This way players under 17 could learn respect in a safe enviroment. How to fill co2 or air whats safe whats not ect and get a certificate and then ...... be able to get a gun I am not even advocating chaging this is some thing we do at accademy already every month (but not to the cert level or as part of an approval system) which is what I am sugesting.

Chris awnser me this I take it you had played by the time your dad your freind and a lot of hard earned cash parted hands?

I am not sighting you in paticular (chris and I spent a very cold touney huddled around a fire of burning paint boxes last winter) and you are a lovely very dedicated young baller.

We are trying to cover the people who have not been to a site or maybe not one of the safer ones. I know some sight saftey breif goes " here's your goggles wear them, don't get too close" and thats it. This sort of thing dose not help paintball!
Ok so they have a good time and think they know it all.

The dear departed Ex was not exactlly the best amdasidor for paintball happliy shooting over his fences into his nebours property and the police were round too many times.

None of this sort of behaiour helps us as ballers.

I do feel it is time we as suppliers were made aware of our respociblies I certainly am with pyhro and won't sell it to under 18s. That is another whole sticky situation.

Hotpoint please let me know what bully says about a sign it's at least some thing we can all do with very little cost to any one.

People should not die or get hurt becase of ignorance. We class our selfs as a civalized modern educated socity we try to convince the public we are sports men and women and it's not war.

Ignorance is just as much a crime in this day and age so let get educating.

Thanks Hotpoint;)


M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by FAMINE
So seems planet have already been stepping out of line, We seriously need to speak with our suppliers ASAP, maybe UKPSF or a similar body issue a statement to all UK shops and sites stating the facts that govern them.

Followed by maybe a statement to the press dis associating ourselves from these "TOY" markers.
To be fair Planet have always been pretty responsible. My other half had to sign the papers when she bought her marker and she's 20 <cough> something.

The most frightening thing I've seen, happened today and was in a fairly large shop in central Manchester, one of these gadgets, gizmos, knives, bb guns, bongs etc shops...you know the type.

Was looking at the bb stuff and the shop guy came over bragging about their range. I pointed out the CO2 powered paintball marker, sans eye protection and voiced my concerns about these things, their sale and any future legislation about their sale due to this story.

To say he was less than concerned would be a gross understatement. :(

To say he was pleased and commented that the story would cause sales to rise of these POS plastic paintguns would be highly accurate.:mad:

These are the people we need to nail, these are the weapons that we need to get sorted. Hotpoint I know it's a cheek but this is where I feel the UKPSF are best placed to speak for the sport, names need to be dropped as spokespeople at the media empires. Rebuttals issued, calls from responsible sportspeople for greater control over miscreant dealers etc etc etc.

Paintball will always suffer in these events unless the central media source is identified and used. Though we have to support it as players, and with that my cheque is in the post for membership...no more procrastination I will do it!
Oct 4, 2001
all over
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this is true, i had played for a year or so before i bought my first gun................and in the past that is how everybody would have done it

however with the introduction of paintball on tv people will want to play it and may buy the gear before they play.........


Pompey Paintballer
Originally posted by Cube

... Hotpoint I know it's a cheek but this is where I feel the UKPSF are best placed to speak for the sport, names need to be dropped as spokespeople at the media empires
The call-to-arms rings out and once again the valiant Hotpoint takes up his metaphors as he prepares for yet another holy crusade in the name of Paintballkind :p

Okay I'm on it. Many emails to be sent, many letters to be posted and many telephone calls to be made (most of the aforementioned to be ignored by the media no doubt)

Once more unto the Breach Dear Friends Once More! ;)

And if there are any UK P'ballers out there who aren't UKPSF members go to www.ukpsf.org and find out where to send your membership money. The Federation exists for the good of the sport and £5 per year isn't much to ask in return is it?