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I can peak whenever i want!


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
A tip to stop peaking... shoot them in the goggles... then they can't see very well...

They may not be out, but they will be when you move around on them because they couldn't see you and you shoot them in the arse :)

When I first took over my old site head shots didn't count and I carried on with this for a while.
Not counting headshots does no-one any favours. If people know they count they keep their head down and avoid them.
Thinking you'll make money is a false economy
The problem is that if people know head shots don't count they will pop up time after time in the same spot until they are knocked senseless and often end up sitting out the next game or in the worse case going home and telling all their friends how much paintball hurts - both scenarios cost you money.
As somebody has already said it makes you a sloppy tournament player as you get used to sticking your head out and also you get in the habit of ignoring obvious game winning shots because your used to them not counting.
Don't get in the habit and you'll become a better player,



Jan 16, 2002
i agree

I totally agree with John...

When you do start to play tournaments...You will be too used to " Head shots dont count " so you will obviously stick your head out in a tournament with remembering that head shots count...

Which will be an easy elimination...

So my advice is to get out of the habit and when your playing at that field act as if head shots count...

When im playing at a local field they also have the " headshots dont count " policy but the way i play it is if im hit in the head or marker i go out to get used to it.

You gotta learn to stay tighter and the best way to become a better and tighter player is to learn from your mistakes....

Dave :cool:


New Member
Mar 20, 2002
southern california
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I have to agree with weedave and Johnj. Just because you can peak doesn't mean that it's a good idea. Some times other people's guns aren't working properly. I was out playing with some friends, and one of their velocity adjustments broke:eek: There was no way to turn the velocity down, and the gun was shooting hot. I got tagged in the head and was almost KO'd!!:mad:


Feb 11, 2002
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head shots

I totaly agree with weedave and John Just because you are the nugget to pop your head and get wacked you think that you are the best ( no brains ) We used to play at NPF ,Thinking that It was the best dog bollock site around But as the afore chaps mentioned once you start to play proper paint ball Then The peny drops That NPF are just money making skams.dont get me wrong I did enjoy what they offerd But playing there every month and always winning agenst people who 98% havevt got a clue what paint ball is its just a good day out for them. So my suggestion is get a team together and enter a proper Tournament...