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i now know why people leave paintball


Oct 28, 2004
North Essex
Sounds like someone is trying to make their e-penis bigger. 'I'm harder than you'.

Lump, you love it, mainly in the ar*e, but you love in none the less. Just don't go and see Mikey, he'll put you off forever in this state ;)


May 30, 2006
****ehole West Yorkshire
for the record i work as a doorman likewaise so does 3/5 of my team, and honestly i couldnt think of anything i would love more then to meet some of the more mouthy people on here face to face and see if they really could 'imply thier will' upon me. Without a shadow of A dowt they couldnt
dude, just stop before you make yourself look like an ass, the hardman act really doesn't impress anyone. I have no doubt you could beat the sh!t out of me, but theres always someone bigger etc etc.

where's robbo when you need to prove someone wrong :D

"likewaise", "thier" and "dowt" should be likewise, their and doubt :D
i for the record i work as a doorman likewaise so does 3/5 of my team, and honestly i couldnt think of anything i would love more then to meet some of the more mouthy people on here face to face and see if they really could 'imply thier will' upon me. Without a shadow of A dowt they couldnt, this is scare monger comment (reffered to in a previous post that was 'modded').
All that comment proves is that you are making up for some sort of personal shortcomings.

You have a small pecker?

Lack of hair on your head?


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Strangely, I (used to) work as a doorman (make that a bouncer), as did Pete. I play American football and get hit in the head a lot.

Yet we still have the ability to form a coherent sentence....

So judging from the mistakes in the rest of his postings, I think he meant to say that he worked as a doormat.