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Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
Re: A big thanks!

Originally posted by sjt19
it was me and Gothy that leapt on you as you were lying on the ground! Was thankful that you had the sense just to lie face down! At least you managed to get to the bunker eventually!;)

Make sure Matski does not read this he will have you all in court before you can say thanks very much :D



Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
Searching for the pro-tour....:S
The way you lost

Okay, we learnt a lot about losing on sunday :eek: , which we were expecting, having not played sup 'air since campaign.

I know what you are saying about eliminated players, without mentioning names we played a game, lost (what a suprise!!!), and were watching them take the flag.

Flag then comes back, so they have 3 players in the deadbox, when our captain finally signs the sheet off after their armbands have been collected we had 5 kills???:confused: :eek: :(

So if we assume that the first flag carrier was one 4 oned then we still have un-explained kill??? Playing on anybody???


Active Member
Or maybe still walking back, I know if I've been done right at the end of a game I often wont make it all the way back just to turn round and walk back again !! But thats just lazyness and not intended to efect the game in any way ! End of the day its down to the marshals to kick players up bum & get em moving.


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Jul 6, 2001
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Sandbagging - NOT!

OK this whole Kool Runnings issue needs to be sorted out.

I was one of the team that could not play on Sunday.

Ricky our captain asked around for some extra players. He and and another one of our guys knows the backlash players well and they said they would be delighted to play.

Ricky told Sparklie 2 weeks before the tournament that we would have these guys. He was surpised when i told him the divisions and was expecting some grief.

However the organisers knew before the draw. This was not a case of us trying to pull a fast one but a case of

a) Us missing 4 ouf our regular team
b) A message not making it through to Liz.


Kool Runnings


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Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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I must point out here that I've known (and played against) most of the Kool Runnings guys for over 10 years now, and they would be one of the last teams I would expect to try to sandbag at a tourney. They also know as well as anyone else in paintball that if I'm in a position where neutrality is important (e.g. doing the M25 draw, reffing a tourney in the old days), I WILL be neutral no matter who is involved so they wouldn't expect any particular favours from me as a friend. I also believe that as they are one of the fairest and cleanest teams around this was clearly a case of one message out of the hundreds we received in the fortnight before the event just not getting through.

In the case of the Div 4 teams who had "Pro" level players, only one (Tommy) really classes as Pro, Ecstasy are ranked Am in international terms. Also, I happen to know that these guys were looking for a game from Monday (when their own team had to pull out), and only got hooked up with a team at the last minute, a case of last minute availability of the players and last minute holes in a team. The team involved know full well that despite having a couple of higher ranked players on Sunday, the result from that day will stand when it comes to deciding where they play next time out and it may well bump them up so they have to play with better teams without their guests :p

Regarding the Team Zone/Kool Runnings placings, they had identical points and neither team had any penalties (the usual deciding factor), so we went for the next deciding factor which was that when the 2 teams played each other, Team Zone won that game. Thsnk goodness it wasn't a draw between them with identical body count - can't remember what would be the next way to split them!


Dagenham Swarm
Nov 30, 2002
Originally posted by Liz

Thsnk goodness it wasn't a draw between them with identical body count - can't remember what would be the next way to split them!
Next thing to do would have em play against each other again to decide!;)


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Originally posted by FrontLine
Next thing to do would have em play against each other again to decide!;)
Oh no! - would you like to be the one who had to tell the poor refs they have to re-inflate a field and run yet another game!:eek:


Dagenham Swarm
Nov 30, 2002
Originally posted by Liz
Oh no! - would you like to be the one who had to tell the poor refs they have to re-inflate a field and run yet another game!:eek:
lol, would have been happy too :D :p