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Watch out your gunna get
Oct 14, 2002
High Wycombe, Bucks
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Ur so lucky you know 2 languages i cant believe you have to learn all those languages in Holland, my Friend in Holland (mums business) knows like a million languages.

When you going to America it aint in Summer next year or mabee Easter because i might be able to meet you at that paintball daves.
yeah a team of three now maybe in the near future there is a
new member coming on the team, the names you see on the
site the first is mine, Matthijs Hoek and I are playing with our
own guns he also has a tippman like mine, but some things are
different and Sander Schaaij just ordered his guns [also a 98
custom] this last sunday. and hopefully uncoming sunday or
the next one time we play, we're wearing the same jersey's.
they are from Wicked Mpulse the ''Sinister'' here's a link so you
can see how they look, Matthijs has his already, Sander and i
ordered at paintballgear so we have our nick names on the back
mine is MADMAN 76 and his is LOONEY 88. but here's the link
Sinister Smoke