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Operation Bandwagon : October 22nd


All the gear, no idea
Sep 6, 2006

Tempted by this. Would go to the 10 man but dam it's a long way from where I am!

Who's going to Bandwagon then? Let's have a roll call.


Marcus Geezer

Platinum Member
Fawkes full

When I booked last week told that Fawkes side was full. Max capacity is 120, so on the assumption it is 60 on each side their are at least 60 going?

Maybe however to even teams out at booking they take 10 in one team then 10 on the other and so on until full...?

(that's how I'd do it anyhow....:confused: )


All the gear, no idea
Sep 6, 2006
Just booked my ticket :D . I may be on the Fawkes side- they have increased the size of both teams due to demand.

We'll have to make sure we arrange a meeting point for all the p8ntballers who are there.

This'll be my first big game/scenario day, am looking forward to it.



Old Face - New Name!
Sep 17, 2006
Milton Keynes
Someone who knows the site should suggest a meeting area for the P8ntballers?
If you want to all stage together it could be tricky as, as with all events, it's a bit of first come first serve basis as to which table you get!!

You could meet up in the carpark - theres a large container used for storage or a portakabin (of sorts) that you could meet by and then try and blag a table.

If you just want to meet up and not worry about staging together then you could try any of the above or the catering area.


Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2005
East Sussex
Just been up there today to see how it's going and its looking nice....

Wonder if PGI have got a baneer they could send to one of us to have up there????? then we have a meeting point...

Ill have some sort of playing jersey on with my name on it...

Marcus Geezer

Platinum Member
Silly Question time

Forget I asked.. it is a bloody stupid question....

Got my player pack through... with my ID badge...

Silly question...

It says to attach the ID badge to the right side of my mask.. ok... no problem... I was thinking about punching two holes in the badge and attaching it to my mask using plastic tie wraps such as the ones used for tidying up electrical cables.

Once they are done up you have to cut them to get them off. One use item and no damage or functionality/safety compromise to the mask.

Is this ok... or does anyone have a better suggestion?