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Playing with your " Off " Hand


#1 Soi Cowboy.
Nov 27, 2001

everytime you go to pick up your marker, use your left hand.
Every time your in a game, use your left hand.
Snap shoot practice coming out with your left hand.
Run with your gun in your left hand.
Practice, practice.

Im ok cause i practiced the second i started playing! :p

Im more accurate with my left, but faster with my right.

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
No don't shoot with your arm inside the bottle unless you really have to. Affects your accuracy. To be honest, the best way to fire off handed? Buy the right marker for you. For me, it was the Angel IR3. Before using these I never shot left handed properly, but as soon as I tried with one of these, it came naturally to me. After a couple of games, I didn't notice I was doing it. So, I'd say, get the right marker set up and then practice (as above).


Jul 1, 2002
London, UK
There's no point arguing about this point -- it depends what size bottle you have, how the bottomline/drop forward is set up, how long your arms are, and... how comfortable it is for you. Some people get a nice stable grip with the bottle in the small of their elbow, most probably don't though. You have to try different positions until you find what works for you... if all else fails, look at changing the bottomline or drop forward. It seems a bit extreme changing your marker completely, but if you need an excuse to buy that shiny new toy... :D


New Member
This was mentioned in the classroom section on the site, but its worth mentioning again. When your watching a movie or tv, pick a character as a target, and whenever they come up, aim and mock fire your marker offhanded. Also, just like lacrosse (do you have that sport over there?) playing off handed requires practice. My team spends entire days where we aren't allowed to fire normally, and we must fire offhanded. This is a little weird at first, but youll be suprised how fast people learn to shoot goofy when they have too. The trick is, you have to practice shooting both ways, and also transitioning. Being able to shoot with both hands is useless unless you drill into yourself that every time you switch sides of the bunker you swith hands. This, like very other skill in every other sport, must become so smooth you don't even think of doing it, your hands just do it.