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Point Zero Model 83's and Spiral Porting Your Own Barrel

Hey, I bet you all like the looks of a spiral ported barrel, right? I bet you have also looked at the price tag and said, just a bit to high when you want to say, OH MY GOD THATS A FRIGGIN RIP OFF. I have the solution. DO IT YOURSELF. I just did mine, about 2 hours ago and my gun is so much more accurate and quiet. All I did was take a peice of paper, computer paper works great, and measure it our to the length of your barrel. Then wrap it around your barrel and cut it so that you have almost no overlapping paper. Then, fold your paper hamburgerwise then hotdog wise the hamburger the hotdog and so on until you have as many folds as you think neccessary. Then, unfold the paper, and put a dot on the spot where the axes meet, not in a straight line but in a diagonal, then finally wrap the the paper around the barrel and tape it. Drill a 1/8 hole(thats what I used) on each dot. This is the easiest way to custom port your barrel I have found. It increased my accuracy so much I can hardly believe I am still shooting my STOCK Point Zero. My point zero is the awesomest begginner gun I can think of, or have ever shot, so IF YOU HAVE NEVER OWNED A GUN BEFORE GET A POINT ZERO MODEL 83. I got mine for $20 BRAND NEW ON E-BAY
Originally posted by taperunner77
did this company pay you to post this?

NO they didnt, do you know what company makes this gun. Probably not, and if you do, you dont know what freedom of speech is and by the way, if your going to flame someone, please at least try to back up what your saying---I mean "did the company pay you to post this" NO THEY DIDN'T. I am just posting my opinions, so if you have a problem with that STAY AWAY FROM FRIGGIN FORUMS because thats wat they are for, expressing your opinions, and yours, well dont even post them because no one cares.


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Oct 11, 2001
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point zeros

A friend of mine uses them at his site, They are made almost entirely of plastic, are a ******* to strip down and clean, and have the longest stiffest trigger pull on the planet.

But I have to say, $20 is a damn good price for an entry level semi.


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Aug 8, 2001
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Wow, that was the funniest post i ever read. I would like to know what you meant exactly by freedom of speech. And wow, I really like your opinion about forums. I hope you don't mind me "flaming" you again. I hope we meet at the field so i can see your "home-made porting" on your $20 gun.

HEY LISTEN BUDDY, I betchya that if we would meet on the field, I would kick your @$$ 9 ways to sunday ON A SATURDAY. And, by the way, a stingray 2 s trigger pull is A LOT LONGER so, if you all weren't spoiled brats, and you had to WORK to get the money for your guns, only being 14, you would have the same problem as me, so, either your a stuck up jerk or a normal average person that I probably would get along with. By the way taperunner, what kind of gun do YOU have, a Blade or a Talon??? Also, the Point Zero is not all plastic, yes the body and trigger frame is, but the barrel is a screw in metal. So, why don't all of you stuck up, rich parents kids, try to go and do SOME WORK for once, because, no person in their right mind is going to work for 2 to 4 years, babysitting to earn the money to buy and Angel or an Autococker, which I think the Angel is the biggest RIPPOFF on the market, so, would you all just think for a minute, a normal person does not have rich parents or anything like that, we are just a normal family that is not friggin rich, so just give me a break about how much this sucks, and that sucks, and all your other SH*T that I have to listen when I am trying, to, perhaps give another newbie advice.


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Aug 8, 2001
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Man you are a ****ing loser. Quit crying, you say everyone is bitching, yet you were the one who said a forum is a place for opinions. As for being a spoiled bitch, ha! I bought my first gun when I was 14, it was a spyder. My parents would not give me one dime. They are dead set against paintballing. I saved my money over the summer doing odd-jobs, and a little bit from graduation. As do most other kids i know. You wana know why alot of kids have angels or autocockers? Cause they love the sport and save up. I bought an autococker about 6 months ago, and have put about $900 of custom work into it. I am 17 now, so I use all my own money, my parents still won't pay for it, the only thing they pay for me is my car insurance. I gave up buying my own car to get my gear. So quit ****ing crying and get outta here if you are gunna bitch about your ****ty stuff, cause you have no money.
By the way, I would bunker your ass 7.9 seconds into the game.