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New Member
Aug 14, 2001
Fair play to you anyway m8 for wanting to get into the sport :)

Which site did you go too caus the only one i know that has a airsoft site near it is the NPF in brum. I take it you went there

I work there and it's a good crack innit?


Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30

..what knida gun did you use for airsoft?? Was it a full-on spray and pray number or a bit of a rifle, pistol...what?? I never played it so pardon my ignorance dude.

Advice: Buy your first marker 2nd hand, you'll get a cracker for a good price especially with the quality of markers now. If you want a base marker that fires reasonably well but is pretty cheap you can't go wrong with a mag for starters BUT you will go off it real quickly, they're a bit of a pain. Cockers rule, more accurate and an all round better marker with long lasting love appeal. There are loads of electronic ones about and you could pick up an Impulse pretty cheap now I guess. To be honest I could go on and on and on about which markers, I now use an Angel which freakin' rooooockkkks man but at a grand an' half set up they're a bit steep. :D

Have fun.

Tom Tom

Damn you ALL
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by paintball_kid
i just took up airsoft and got quite good and i saw an episode of mission paintball and it looked realyy good so then i went down to my local paintball field and had a go and had a whale of a time so i decided to take it up but i dont know what gun to get and i dont have a team yet.

Good for you, Enthusiasm and young blood is what is needed to get into Paintball. But like others have said You would probably be told in as polite a manor as possible to come back another day for mission paintball. There are loads of teams in the UK that would love to be on the show and they have been playing Tourneys for years.

A good Idea for you is to come to a walk on day at a site or go to a tourney and see what is actually involved. The difference between your Rec-ball day out and your Tourney day out is VERY different. (I got lite up like a christmas tree on my first tourney) It happens to all of us at one point but you learn.

A team is a well oiled machine and if you are jut 5 guys or gals thrown together you may do OK or you may be wiped of the other teams shoe like a bug.

Get down to a tourney and watch what happens, Don't be afraid to ask question, If you see me (you can't miss me I aint small) just come and ask whats going on.

Where are you based?

As for starter marker I got my Impuse on these very pages, done some work to it and upgraded parts (barrel, bolt etc) but spent £500 so far. You can get away with less.

Always try before you buy. I tried a Cocker and could not get on with it but its true they are great markers so if you can use them they too can be picked up cheapish.

Are you looking for a tourney marker or just something to call your own. If so you can get an Inferno starter kit for about £200 and upgrade bits to that.

Good Luck and there is a lot more to the paintball scene than Mission Paintball (but it be cool to do....... Emily Booth.....)


New Member
Feb 8, 2002
Holywell Row U.K.
Visit site
Just my thoughts........Mission Paintball has been a great influence for the p8ntballers in the UK....Keep it up guys...we need all the publicity we can get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Molloy

Jedi Master
Jan 9, 2002
If my memory is correct their is an air soft place near dragons lair (near the dreaded M25:D ) and a few others that I heard were in the North West. If you are near any of Bully's tourneys pop over and say Hi;) and you can try out my Impy and/or Cocker to see what is out their.