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Time for a general election?


Aug 28, 2008
the problem lies in the fact that people can only vote for their local mps, not the big boss man.

in my home town, where the best MP we have is a labour guy, but he rarely agrees on any of gordon Browns ideas, and hasnt actually claimed for anything but the bare essentials. he doesnt even have a 2nd home.

and he lives in stroud, gloucestershire.
So whenever he goes to london, he stays in a travel lodge, he cycles everywhere and does so much god for the comunity that the comumity are actually trying to get him to leave labour and become a private party, so that they can vote for him, because they simply dont want to vote labour.

The system needs to be similar to that of america, thats the first time ive actually said i agree with a yanky system, but i think that the acual prospective PM should be the one trying to win our votes, rather than the individual counties, or towns.

The whole MP claims thing is water under the bridge, and in my opinion the tories have the right idea, if youve claimed for more than you absalutely need, pay it back, or your out, and next year you cant claim for it.

but yeh, ithink the system needs to be changed to a more democratic system, rather than first past the post


CPPS Chief Chimp
Mar 26, 2008
Get Brown out, the guy is a festering turd on the bottom of societies shoe. The guy is incredible. It was easy to look capable during the mists of an artificial boom. Such a great economist that he decided it best to overspend in an economic upturn.

Ever since the tech bubble burst back in 99/2000 we've been skating on thin ice. The money poured out of the stock market and back into housing. No one wanted it to end and the bankers dreamt up their CDO scam to keep it afloat, all turning a blind eye to the hurricane brewing in the system to keep their monopoly money rolling in.......with Brown at the helm. Hang em all.......'Greed is good' said Gordon Gecko, and look what happened to him

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Now here I believe is an interesting take on things:-

The recession apparently was caused by investment bankers and other big wigs in the financial services. Managers etc are quitting and still getting huge bonuses.
Now according to the press it's Labours fault. Strange thing is none of those fat cats will have voted Labour in thier lives, they will be true blue Tory. Meanwhile the angry man on the street is being urged to vote Labour out and vote the Tories back into power.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
It's always the fault of whoever's been ruling at the time.

We feel fine and dandy blaming George W. Bush for the crisis, but the truth is that the foundations were laid before it way before he got into power. He didn't help though, but that's a given.

Then again, any economist gets tought about Kondratiev. Basically, what goes up, must come down. The economy will always rise and fall. Fact of life. Inevitable.


CPPS Chief Chimp
Mar 26, 2008
The bankers (worldwide) have caused this mess, but people like Brown have turned a blind eye, believing in their own self worth so much that they were blinded by what was really happening beneath them. Their relaxed form of regulation was so horizontal, not even the highest members of the FSA and Bank of England could or really wanted to understand CDOs. They merely let the city carry on regardless, as the fact of the matter is that they were all in bed together on this financial high.

'Under this Government, Britain will not return to the boom and bust of the past' GBrown.

Would the Conservatives done a better job? Who really knows, but it wouldn't have been difficult.


Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2007
I think that Gordon Brown is quite out of his depth at the moment - he was great as Chancellor when there was a great sustained economic growth.

To be honest though I don't think any of the 3 main parties leaders are suitable for running the country - Gordon Brown is out of depth & Cameron & Clegg are two Tony Blair's!


in actual fact the international monetary people have this week just credited Britain on the way it has handled its economic situation. they seem to reckon we will start to show recovery (or at least a slowing fall initially) faster than a lot of other countries.

look at the ftse100, already climbing back towards where it was in october last year, and predictions show a steady climb to continue.

i agree with basik - brown is out his depth - but so would any of them be. he is not solely to blame. the collapse of banks and major companies cannot realistically be aimed at the government - but the companies themselves.
the general public are numpties so that kinda nullifies that one :p

But they still have the power to make MPs pay back money and lose their jobs.

The only difference between the MPs claims scam and the thousands of other scams is that the public can identify with it.

When Labour dream up their latest 100 million pound carbon offsets for racial equality scheme, of which 70 million ends up in Gordon Browns mates back pockets. Its easier for them to hide and harder for the public to understand how they are being taken advantage of.
After all, if your against that, you must be an earth hating racist.

But when its everyday expenses written so people can identify with it and understand it as wrong its much more of an issue.
Even though the money stolen from us is much lower.


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
I still would like to know who OK'd these claims.
And there's the real point.

Who's more to blame? The people who applied for claims, or the people who ok'd them?

I'm applying to a university fund mainly just to see if I'll get it. I AM going into overdraft, and the points that I've made on the application ARE valid, but I'm not in desperate need for money. I can just about cope, but It would just be nice to get costs covered. It's up to the funding section of my university if they accept my claim, the power's in their hands.

It seems ministers are applying for stupid claims, and they're being accepted straight out. Who does that reflect on more? The ministers, or the regulations?

edit:: I'd like to add that I don't really care about this whole 'claims' milarky. It is just a media ****storm that's been blown way over what it needs to be. It's just people over-reacting due to media sensation.