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UKMasters Jan22 2006 Photos


New Member
Jan 22, 2006
Damn... I didnt think taking photos would cause such a **** bucket! I have apologised to Wendy for not asking permission first.

Im not in it for the money.Actually I havent sold a photo since starting my site. Its more of a hobbie. some of you know that too.

but I do agree with some of you when saying more photos should be taken of all teams from div1 to div 100. The lower teams need attention too.

Now they other guys are doing a good job taking photos, dont knock them.



knee is broken again :[
Dec 3, 2004
West Mids
Originally posted by Mario
guys this isn't a discussion about who should be taking photographs at the masters. My comment was out of line and wendy now knows where im coming from and why i said it.

Wendy, my apologies to you and the girls. You know where im at right now.

Lets leave it at that. If you wish to discuss who takes the photo's i suggest you speak to wendy direct about your concerns, instead of on a public forum.

wendy pm'd you back.

Sorry mate i disagree, i would absolutely never try and put down wendy and the team or in any way post anything on the forums that put any pressure on them or cause hard feeling, however i feel a public forum is the ideal medium through which to discuss matters such as these, as wendy can se everyones opinions and make informed desisions with the players needs/enjoyment/involvement at heart and because of that the masters is a very, very friendly tournament and from what i've seen seems to be diplomatic when it comes to rules e.t.c.

The thing is as organisers i whole-heartedly respect what they do, however with the sort of workload that must be envolved in organising and running such an event i think that some isues may be overlooked from the players point of view unless peoples opinions are expressed, hence why the forums seem to work well in these matters.

At the end of the day its wendy's choice on what goes at the masters events and i'm sure that whatever decision she comes to will be sound one having taking into consideration all aspects, and at the end of the day i'd play and enjoy to play the masters regardless of how many photograhers were there, as would most, but as i said before it is nice to be able to get pictures of your team follwong an event.

my 2p


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
the reason i said to discuss this with wendy herself is that i doubt you would of said anything at all had i not commented.

However, that me out of this one guys.



Live Life
Aug 9, 2005
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I must agree... If this company is only going to take a hand full of photos during the day of a very limited number of teams, (Not the first time they have only shot a hand full) what’s the point in having a dedicated event photographer? Looks like Axion Images could do with some competition to liven them up a bit. The UK Masters is getting bigger all the time, yet the coverage of the day is getting smaller.

No doubt there will now be an excuse or two for this, but for what ever reason this needs sorting before the next event.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2004
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Usually there are more pictures taken, the weatehr was grim and the quality not great, so thats why there are very few from axion. If you have a game you want them to take some photos, if you are interested in buying some they will come and snap some photies.