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NSPL Round 5 - D7s - 27th May

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
We announced that we would not be filling Stakos at NSPL events at the start of the week. If it causes teams major problems, please contact me directly via info@nspl.co.uk

Some teams have suggested that they bring their own dive tanks to fill their stakos, but I do not think this is a good idea at all, and I am not prepared to accept the repsonsibility.

I know the issue is difficult and the dangers of using Stakos (if any) have yet to be proven, but it would be negligent in the extreme for the NSPL to continue allowing Stako bottles at our events with the forewarning of potential issues.

As soon as we receive official announcements from the Millennium and/or H-Pac that they consider the bottles to be safe, I cannot allow their use at NSPL events I'm afraid.

But I will try to help teams facing major difficulties because of this, so feel free to contact me.


Free Agent..
Jul 16, 2006
I've got a PMI 4500 HP 1.1 if anyone is in desperate need of air. Just pay postage and its yours for the weekend.

Give me a buzz on 07856013456 and we can sort something out.

Hope this helps.
