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Can we please have a field layout for Germany???


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Jan 31, 2005
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By establishing a schedule that is stuck to, you condition the players to expect it at a certain time and hopefully they'll stop bitching about the schedule not being released yet, as if having the field layout made any sort of difference.

And there's no reason to release it early. Either you're a decent paintball player or you're not. If it's released at the same time to everyone, then everyone gets the same opportunity to practice on it. It's not like everyone getting the layout two weeks earlier is going to change anything.

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
By establishing a schedule that is stuck to, you condition the players to expect it at a certain time and hopefully they'll stop bitching about the schedule not being released yet, as if having the field layout made any sort of difference.

And there's no reason to release it early. Either you're a decent paintball player or you're not. If it's released at the same time to everyone, then everyone gets the same opportunity to practice on it. It's not like everyone getting the layout two weeks earlier is going to change anything.

Last season, we players were conditioned to expect all the field layouts at the start of the season. So all I'm asking is why has it changed this year.

We have training sites and leagues that have invested in Millennium fields and would like to offer the next Millennium event layout for teams to use. I cannot understand why field layouts would be held back - if there is a reason then I am asking someone to explain it to me IF they know. If no one's know, fair enough - I'm not going to loose sleep over it as it is just a minor query leading on from my question about when to expect the layout (which has been answered - thank you to those who posted up).

My queries have nothing to do with feeling disadvantaged or hard done to.


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Jan 31, 2005
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Last season, we players were conditioned to expect all the field layouts at the start of the season. So all I'm asking is why has it changed this year.
Earlier releases of layouts favor teams who have the most money for repeated practice of the event layouts.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
This is actually an interesting topic (though personally I can't get enough of the GWC v. CKC).
For the 08 season PSP releases fields 3 weeks in advance. This choice was part of a compromise decision when the league was considering cost effective measures to help keep Xball open as an option to as many teams as possible. This was done largely on the basis of Keka's argument that fields and teams had invested in Xball fields and prior release of field layouts created/supported the business of those fields.
My view was don't release the field layouts at all if your goal is to save teams money and make Xball more affordable because all most teams do is run points in practice playing the next layout and that uses up paint at competition rates.
The result of scheduled, timed releases is that everyone wants field time mostly during the release window up to the next event. Keka wants it released sooner but what would be the practical result if it wasn't released at all? Teams still gotta practice and prepare. Xball teams still gonna want to play on Xball fields. Released all at once or not at all the result is teams can choose to practice when it's most convenient for them (and yes, Chitown's concern of well financed teams being able to out practice others would be a reality of Keka's choice but that presumes more reps means superior execution among other things).
The other advantage of not releasing layouts is harder to quantify but I think it would force teams to train to play paintball instead of using paintball to play a specific layout. My point is the way most teams prep a tourney is to run repititious points based on a developing understanding of how a specific layout plays. Which is okay but it means your development as players is a secondary function of your training because your first goal is to execute effectively on the layout. Without the layout(s) teams would be forced to train to play superior paintball regardless and adapt as each situation warranted. It may sound like a distinction without a difference but it isn't. Of course it relies on the training regime for the best result and I have no idea how many peeps are out there who could do that job effectively.


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Jan 31, 2005
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I do think that the layouts need to be released AT LEAST a week in advance. Maybe the Thursday before. The fields get set up at the event starting Saturday usually, so once that happens someone is going to go to the location and find out what the layout is, so releasing it the Thursday before gives everyone a fair shot at one weekend's practice on the field.


P8ntball killed me....
Oct 28, 2004
in a house with a window
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it doesnt matter anyway cos when u get there the layout is never quite right. that blind spot you had on training is there on one field and gone on another. sometimes your whole game can be thrown by people who just cant lay a field right