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( .)( .)
Oct 15, 2001
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Well i was paintballing recently and am slightly peeved about some of the players and wonder if theres a way to prevent this annoyance in the future . So we were playing at the local field and the newer players were pretty much evenly devided beetween teh teams (they wernt exactly nebies having been a at least 5 times before each )So one of the games ends up with myself and a friend both with autocockers and 4 newer players one with his own gun and 3 without . So we start the game and my friend and i are taking one side and the 4 of them are taking the other . so my friend makes a break with me covering him . and i look to the other side and none of the 4 had moved from the castle where we start . this really anoyed me because we'd come up with a plan and each person had stated where they what they were doing of the bat . none of them had said they were going to cover in the tower for the entire game. So i finally managed to get them moving by swearing loudly and threatening to light them up myself and then beat the living s*** out of them once the game was over . ( I know them so i felt justified in swearing at them and threatening them .) So they moved out to there bunkers and i helped my friend and we shot out the two guys on oru side with my friend being shot in the progress . so one of the new guys calls himself out which shocked me because he'd been cowering behind his bunker and couldnt haev been shot ( he said he was out of paint but i could hear it ratling in his hopper ). then i broke a ball in the breach and my gun wouldnt feed anymore paint when another guy on our team called himself out for no paint . so being unable to shoot i started drawing attention to myself by sticking my head out way to far and calling out the other teams positions . When my last teammate got shot out . the game was called because i couldnt shoot .

I guess i have 2 questions .

1. is there a way to get these guys to move out of the bunker thats less damaging to our friendship then yelling at and threatening them .
2. Should i just leave them be let them cower in the tower and play my game anyways .

P.S I'm just venting cause it pissed me off .


Nov 13, 2001
been there buddy

ended up doing the cover fire so they had to get out there or i would shot them (which i did) worked well althought these were other punters on a punter day so i didnt care if they hated me

:p :p :p :p :p


Paintball Addict

I have been trying to do the same thing. I play with about 20-30 different people, but I only trust 4 of them while under fire.

<-------- Figure 25.5
The method I have found to break in newbies is to ask them if they have ever been hit with a paintball. If they haven't, chances are they will be intimidated on the field. Unless you realize that paintballs don't hurt that badly you will usually play like crap. That being said, ask them if you can shoot them before the game(See Figure 25.5). Most will be hesistant, but will let you. Once the mystery is gone, you might be able to get them to move. :)


New Member
The solution is simple... Don't play with noobs. I realized it is pointless to play with punts' a while ago. It doesn't help you improve your skill and is not really that fun.

If there's enough resource, get some 'advanced' players together, and have some games with them. If your field has more than one course, then it is all the bit easier... I'm sure your field owner will agree to it if you get enough people to bitch.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Yeah, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
One of the sites I go to regularly has 5 fields, one of them is Sup'air, and one is a speedball field. The other ones are the usual 'huts in the woods' type affairs. On that site punters, newbies, and tourney players are strictly seperated. Ofcourse the tourney guys (myself included) try to get as much Sup time as possible, and the owner encourages this. Most of the punters/newbies just like playing the concept fields only once or twice, for the novelty value, so it doesn't really interfere with each other anyway.
Most field owners also realise that it's not wise to mix in the tourney boys with the inexperienced ones, because that's a sure way to get soemone out of the sport. They don't like getting blasted all day.
Ofcourse it does happen that a bunch of newbies challenges the tourney pack, but that's rare. And if we do accept the challenge, we play reserved, no bunkering and such. The field owner gives our team a lot of support, and we are sort of a promotional tool for him as well, so upsetting the punters who pay a lot to play is not wise, if you would like to see them return.......
If you're a regular player on walk on days, and your mates are over with you for the first time to try it out (a lot of sites provide for this sort of thing, by renting out equipment cheaply to people without equipment who are introduced by a regular walk on), try to play a bit more layed back than you usually might. Sure, pull off the odd move or two (good for the ego), but let the new guys 'win' the game. That way you'll have some friends that enjoyed themselves, and that are more likely to return. Which ofcourse is good for the sport as a whole, and particularly in your area. the sort of thing you might want to do is help them get into the flag station (shoot them in), and let them get the flag, instead of you. Allow them to claim the kills back in the safe area (even if you're the one that really made the hit. Just bite your lip).
You get the idea. Just try not to get frustrated when they don't get it right the first time around.


( .)( .)
Oct 15, 2001
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we were all playing pretty layed back mostly just snapshooting and it ussually ended up pretty even experienced vs experienced anebie vs newbie but oh well .