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Be the Face of Heaven's Gate V

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
We are having some beautiful new dead-zone banners made up for Heaven's Gate featuring the NSPL logo and all our current sponsors. In the background of this banner, I would like to feature one or more of Ray-Ko's excellent photos of you guys playing the sport you love.

So, you all have the chance to be immortalised on these banners, but how? Easy, post up your links to one of Ray-Ko's photos of you or your team (must be at one of this season's NSPL events) and I will judge which is the best photo.

I will then pay Ray for the use of his material (as we all should!!!) and get the banners printed.

The winner(s) will be revealed on over £1,000 worth of full colour banners at Heaven's Gate on the 23rd and 24th June in Reading!

There is only one more condition of entry. Your team and you must be playing Heaven's Gate to stand a chance of winning. I will check entries against the list of teams booked in as it stands on Monday morning.

So hurry - post up the links and get booked in - I must have the banner designs finalised by Monday morning!!!