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Best equipment to get


New Member
Oct 30, 2013
Whatsup guys,

I want to start playing paintball. I was wondering what some good equipment would be to get?
Gun, pads, helmet, etc...

Last time I played paintball was back in 2009? lol Bought the awesome WALMART package :D

But now I have a real job and can spend a good amount, so give me some advice.


btw how do i get to buy stuff from the classifieds? It says I don't have privileges


Active Member
Aug 20, 2008
To gain access to the classifieds you need to have made 20 worthwhile posts on the forums. By that I mean you can't just spam your way to 20 posts, doing so will achieve nothing except getting you a ban in a hurry.

As for what kit to buy, there are 2 main questions that need to be answered before anybody can give you any advice:

1) What is your budget?
2) What type of paintball will you be playing?

Lastly, I'm assuming that you're based in the USA given your previous purchase at walmart, which means that this isn't the best site for you to buy from as it's almost entirely UK based, but you will at least still be able to get advice from here.