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Campaign Cup - Players Party

Big Ian

New Member
Jul 8, 2001
Robin Hood Country
Visit site
I suppose this is mainly directed at you Mr Squires, but does anyone know where and when the players party is to be held at Campaign this year?

Our team booked in around the Feb/March time, and we were promised packs within the next couple of weeks.

We need to know, as we have heard that stomach pumps are in short supply in your neck of the woods!!!!!

The Samaritans have advised us not to drink so much, but they had not heard about Paintball. (and/or paintball players)

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Big Ian

Team Tremmor


Do they serve mild "Down South"????:confused: :confused: :confused:


New Member
Jul 9, 2001
Visit site
Jeez you guys like a winge!!!

You are booked into the biggest event ever in Europe . Things take time.

Players party. Well we shall take over the Crystal Palace bar for a bit a party followed by England v Germany on Saturday night, (Bet the Magic Boys don't show!!) We are not planning a late night party, because the Magued show is hard to top . We have set up special deals with some Top London Clubs and bars which will be in the programme. Word of advice go into London/Clapham/Brixton not Crystal Palace/Streatham.

As for the Captains meeting Steve, Thursday Evening 7.00 pm at the Crystal Palace Bar. It will be short sweet and informal just to answer anyones questions.

Keep Posting


Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
Niall - Brixton??????

What are you thinking?? Go out in BRIXTON???? Thats way worse than Crystal Palace/Norwood/Thornton Heath!!!!

I live 5 minutes drive from Crystal Palace and 20 minutes from Brixton and I NEVER go out there - be it on your own head mate if you want to send the unsuspecting paintball masses to go clubbing in the Fridge!!!!

See ya!!!!


I'm not even playing this great event!!! Trust my Bro' to get married THAT w/e - but it does show that there are more important things in life than paintball - even for me!!!

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
I am afraid so

Paintball very infrequently comes second.

It'll give you guys a chance to miss me!!!


I note that you have found out how to change your ranking - and you have mis-spelt DOG!!!

I'll get there by regular means - no short cuts to greatness my friend - only hard work!!!


Grumpy Sys*****
Bunch of Wusses...

What's all this about not going out clubbing in Brixton???

If it wasn't for the "getting on a bit" that I have started feeling now that summer's gone, I'd have been out at the 414 club soaking up the choons and _still_ have been back at the site, ready to play, by 7am the next morning. (assuming that the after-party was too full to go to)

Mind you, I'm not sure I would have been able to hit much, let alone run for cover, but staying tight would have been easy. I'd have just found a nice snug little bunker and curled up nice and tight for 10 minutes. Lovely.

That's the bad thing about the bigger tournies. The good ones always have big parties, but you are under more pressure to play well and so you are less likely to enjoy the party. I'd be tempted to finish the tourney a day early and then hold a massive party on the last day.

But well, it'll never work.

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
Nick T

Miss me?? Of course you will - unlike me who never misses you (run lower when you run through my paint you poor fool!!)

You guys eh??

As for not clubbing in Brixton - well Wookie - you are welcome to it my friend - I'm not brave enough!!!
