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Diamond Wars 5 info, please read!


Mar 15, 2006
Standing Order and Instructions

Conduct open warfare to establish your Corporations foothold in the Democratic Republic of Corimbe.
Direct all of your employees to maintain combat operations the entire duration of the game. This means moving them around the field to put pressure on your opposition.

Complete all missions vital to Your Corporation’s interests.
Missions will come every 20minutes. They will tell you; what to do, how long to do it for, and how long you have to accomplish each task. These missions are important to your overall victory; fail to complete/attempt them at your own peril. Missions are worth a total of 25 points each.

Recover Diamond Ore Crates from looted convoys.
There are 10 Diamond Ore crates scattered throughout the field- identified on map by a diamond. They are worth 5 points each. You want to find them and protect them. They CAN be stolen. Any found must be turned into the Ultimate Marshal at the end of the core mission play, at 1500h. Make sure the Ultimate Marshal knows which side they are being turned in for.

Destroy rival Corporation’s Base of Operations.
The Commanders will be provided with 3 special demolition charges. Use your demolition experts to score bonus Points by exploding one of these charges inside the taped perimeter which marks your enemies HQ area. You have only 3 opportunities to score. Each successful detonation is worth 10 points.

Collect Intel on vital areas of the arena.
The Commander will assign 2 members of his troops to be a photo recon team. These troops have a side mission to collect images, by use of portable camera, of strategic areas of the battle field. There are 10 locations, scoring 2 points each, with an additional 5 points if all are collected.

Target Sniping.
A squad of two troops will be designated snipers. They will be issued a 100 round pod with different coloured ammunition to the rest of your troops. This ammo MUST be used for the sniper missions and general disruption of your opposition’s HQ. This ammo must NOT be wasted.

Hold the Strategic Points.
There are 3 strategic areas in the field of play; each one benefits your force in a different manner. Every 20 minutes beginning at 1100h* you will be able to score points for holding a strategic area. Which ever team’s colour is showing as in control on each 20mins from the hour, will receive the points. Ignoring these valuable points may be hazardous to your overall score. Each objective held is worth 10 points, every 20mins.

*note; 1100h’s score will be marked with whoever’s teams colours are raised at 1105h. The next one after 1105h is 1120h, then 1140h and so forth.
PM missions start at 1340h. the first possible time to score a H+C after lunch is 1345h, then back to1400h, 1420h etc…

Items and Props.
There are many props on the game. Retrieval of certain props will gain you team extra points. Please refrain from shooting at props, items, and signs, as they MAY become unreadable, and thus making them useless.

NOTE: the Retrieval of NON specified props for YOUR Company’s missions will result in a penalty of 25 points.

HQ Etiquette and Procedure.
Taped Zones around HQ’s are bigger than previous battles. They are backed up with a further exclusion zone, roughly 10meters past the tape. Only opposing players that are assigned as snipers, recon or demo teams are allowed to enter the opposing team’s exclusion zone. Only Snipers, using Sniper paint are permitted to fire upon the opposing team’s HQ.