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DIY Painting gear?


Oct 26, 2012
Was just wondering if anyone has D.I.Y Pained there gear/goggles and how it turnt out.
Thinking about painting some i4's just for something different.
obviously the cheaper the better ;) (budget)
Jul 23, 2011
I have glued the foam back onto my vents avatar mask.

I have diyed 2 home made iron sights onto my marker one for each side as its a center feed.

I have diyed a fold in fold out stock onto my marker like a mac 10 one it weighs almost nothing and doesn't get in the way at all and I can aim with the iron sights on with no issues

I diyed a 3.5 inch barrel fro a cut down 10 inch.

I diyed a sling onto my marker out of the carry handle for another bag it looks and functions like a normal sling but it was free

I also diyed a
loudner out of a plastic bottle I haven't tested it yet but with my unported 3.5 inch barrel it should sound like a twelve gauge if not I can always make another smaller barrel.

I also diyed a smaller loudner made fro wood about the size dimensions as a Air A
merican tip it kind of looks like a wooden silencer it also has wood stain on it and it looks pimping.

Btw my
character size changed mid way and i cant work out how to fix it.



Nov 27, 2006
Results depend on the preparation and effort you put into it.
Preferably use an appropriate paint for the material you are painting, and especially for goggles etc a paint that will have some flexibility

The goggles below were basic hard plastic, all dismantled, anything that didn't come off that was not to be painted was masked (eg the neck strap wrapped in a little newspaper and masking tape, and tape over the foam inside)

Rubbing down with some fine glass paper would give a better surface for the paint, this was not done to these goggles - but ensure it is clean, especially for the slightest greasy residue from paintballs

Paint choice - this was with paint that was in the shed, which was cheap car paint. Tan and green

First a basic undercoat Check recommendations for the colour scheme you use as to the right base coat - commonly white or grey. Obviously in this case I just started with the lightest of the colours and used tan as the base coat

Next these were just random costs of paint patterns
Some sprayed using masking by laying masking tape, with ripped edges
Some sprayed free hand
These give the different edging finishes with hard breaks between green and tan or soft blending between colours

Note for masking tape - look for 'low tack' tapes, which are designed as masking tape, avoid masking by using strong tapes such as gaffer tape/duct tape - it's not masking tape and will peel away the lower layers of paint

This was a quick paint of a spare pair of goggles. They have been used as loan goggles and lasted a number of years with minor flaking in places


Next the headshield, the same kind of preparation and in the back view you can see some of the lighter green
These are only used for carrying a high head camera (hence the mount on top)
Again this is random coats but mostly dark matt greens, in the photo is looks mostly green

