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Gaza Incident & Paintball


AirDrop Paintball FTW!
Sep 22, 2009
Chav Town, Norfolk
Boarding a ship in international waters is an illegal act of piracy, so technically the people on the boat had a right to defend themselves.
If you wanted to stop the boat peacefully why not just put a warship in its way and force it to turn round or stop.
Not like they did not have any in the area.
you cant just park a warship, you don't have brakes on a boat. and being a smaller ship it can just go round. i dont get it, why is it taking the rest of the middle east so long to understand you dont mess with Israel?


Aug 19, 2003
Ok all getting a bit Ben Elton.....aka Political. Back on subject chaps ;)

Im intrigued by the CS gas paintballs, are they 68 calibre size or are we talking oversized "launcher" markers ??
Tom kaye makes a marker for "other than paintball" uses. I'll look up some info, brb.

edit: http://www.fnhusa.com/mil/products/firearms/group.asp?gid=FNG003&cid=FNC01

FN make and assemble the bodies, Tom Kaye and AGD supply the valve system and the tank head. They were also very heavily involved with making the different "projectiles" and tested all different calibres and fill weights. Thats why if Tom Kaye says 50cal isnt so good, then I believe him.

Tom Kaye said:
FN had nothing to do with the development. We brought it mechanically finished to them and they licensed it from us. They did the plastic housing and the final rework of the chassis and exterior valve.

Originally we were the only group chosen out of about 100 entrants to receive development funding directly from the military. We went through several years of the military testing our stuff and they raised the bar every time. They really wanted something that was as accurate as an M16 at 100 yrds. We had already invested the time (no profit they only paid expenses) so we kept coming back and every time we met their specs.

We were almost ready to go when the General that was behind us was shot in the head by his wife. No general means nothing happens in the military and the project languished. FN came to see a demo we did for the National Guard and thats how it started.

We thought this project was going to take 6 months, it took years and cost me my place in consumer paintball. We now know it took 16 years to get the M1 Garand into popular use in the military. It was a little faster at 15 years for the M16. If I knew that then, I would have skipped the whole thing.

My only consolation is that when my team competes on performance, we win, even against formidable military companies.

International Arms Dealer,

Apparently they make Bismuth Projectiles and Pepper balls separately to this gun.

Wheres Manike when you need him? He knows more about this than I do.


Pistolas y Corazones
Dec 9, 2006
"i dont get it, why is it taking the rest of the middle east so long to understand you dont mess with Israel? "

Because Israel doesn't play nice with it's neighbours, particularly the Palestinians. Their armed settlers skulking around in Gaza defying the rest of the world is a good example.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
The Israeli's have a sinister history of over-reaction when it comes to situations like this ... I can't help but think this is one such incident, as to why?
I think I would like to see evidence of the people on the boat shooting at the Israelis before I would even consider the Israelis being in any way justified in what they did.... 11 people dead, all 'peace' activists; seems to me that if the Israleis had responded with proportionate and appropriate force, there'd be some Israeli deaths .... were they just lucky? ... Let's hope so :/


AirDrop Paintball FTW!
Sep 22, 2009
Chav Town, Norfolk
its kind of hard to be nice to your neighbours when they all hate you and have a history of trying to invade you.

im not saying that the deaths were justified, they hardly ever are. however the fact that they went in with non lethal guns first shows it wasnt a planned massacre.

Israel is well known for its over-reactions, however i think its not anger or hatred that causes this, its defense. if someone is going to attack you and you win, making it hurt will make the attacker think twice before doing it again.

as for the "peace" activist. the Israeli's offered to take the aid for them, or give it to the red cross and the Israeli's would let it though. if they were true humanitarians they would have let the red cross do it, as stopping the red cross would put Israel in massive political pressure

* sorry for spelling or grammar fails, im quite badly dyslexic


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
its kind of hard to be nice to your neighbours when they all hate you and have a history of trying to invade you.

im not saying that the deaths were justified, they hardly ever are. however the fact that they went in with non lethal guns first shows it wasnt a planned massacre.

Israel is well known for its over-reactions, however i think its not anger or hatred that causes this, its defense. if someone is going to attack you and you win, making it hurt will make the attacker think twice before doing it again.

as for the "peace" activist. the Israeli's offered to take the aid for them, or give it to the red cross and the Israeli's would let it though. if they were true humanitarians they would have let the red cross do it, as stopping the red cross would put Israel in massive political pressure

* sorry for spelling or grammar fails, im quite badly dyslexic

Good post ....