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Getting tired of all this PC stuff.....

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
On my way to work this morning, I was reading the feb issue of PGI. One of the articles I read was the speak your brains bit in the back. I did not like what I read (well, I liked what I read, but I didn't agree with it....)
I think someone mentioned this article before, but I don't remember the thread.......my mind still fuzzy after a long weekend of partying, finished of by a great training day on sunday....
For those who haven't read it, first get a subscription! Second, this guy was on about how paintball would get a negative image because we use words like bunker, gun, mug, and so on. According to him, 'warlike' words such as these would give us a very, very bad name...What a load of cr@p! (my opinion, not at all proven fact)
If we do indeed change our lingo, than we need to change a LOT of things. We couldn't call bunkers things to hide behind, because hiding implies fear, and fear is not nice. We could call them things that prevent paint hitting you. No wait! Hitting is a bad word. Let's call them things that keep paint from making physical contact with your body! But then again paint is bad too, because it sounds like we're putting up some permanent graffitti! So we'll call the things that prevent non-permanent coloured staining liquid filled capsules making physical contact with you. That's better.
Might as well change the name of the game too. That'll be non-permanent coloured staining liquid filled ball from now on. I know it's a mouthfull, but at least it's friendly. (Hmmm, the word mouthfull might give some bad associations too.....)
As far as the gun thing goes, must of us call them markers anyway, but let's change that name too, because graffitti artists use markers too, and that's vandalism. So from now on, they'll be known as apparatus used to launch non-permanent staining liquid filled balls at the other players. Wait a second! Launch! Missiles get launched too, and missiles are bad, m'kay! So replace the word launch with the word fling. That's better.

By now I guess you realise that I'm being (very) sarcastic.
C'mon man, paintball is a sport that is played with a certain aggression. The words we use are the right ones! When you fly over the top of a BUNKER, it indeed feels like you're MUGGING someone. Other sports use this sort of lingo too. When a QB takes it up the @$$ in American Football, it's called a sack, which is the same term used for the event of an army invading and plundering a city! Players HIT each other.

I play paintball, and I'm proud of that! I don't play f*cking hippyball!

PS. From reading what this guy said, I do get the impression that he means nothing but the best for the sport, for that I give him credit. I just think he goes about it the wrong way.

Peace ya'll! (Hang on! Saying peace means that you acknowledge the existence of war, which is a not at all nice state of affairs. We can't have any of that, can we......See what I mean? If we start along those lines, where will it end?)


doing toad
mmmmmm me like sarcasm

totally agree with you buddha,dead zone :- the area you wait in before the next game. is game to offensive?

i`m gonna get my gun charge up to your position and bunker your ass with a salvo of paint bullets and send you off to the dead zone with all the other enemies i`ve killed
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D