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How important is communication during a game


Super5ives 2010 Champions
Its nice to know where the opposition is, what they are doing, how many left, and its also nice to tell your team if you are about to do somthing silly. :D :D :D
Communication is one of the MOST important things, it is practically the basis of teamwork, without it, unless you are very close and can anticipate what each other is going to do, you are stuffed! Of course having a game plan would also help, but "no plan ever survives first contact with the enemy".
So basically you need to be able to talk to your team mates so that you know what the hells going on!


Sep 16, 2002
Personally I'm of the opinion that communication is one of the LEAST important elements of a modern game of paintball. Technical skills and ability of the individual players are much more important than how they communicate with eachother. If all of your players can stay tighter than the opposition while shooting enough paint in the right places then that is the most important thing. Granted you need to know where the other team are but in a game of Sup'Air, 90% of the time, u can guess where your opposition are breaking out to before the game has even started.

Why waste your time practising communicating when you could spend your time practicing snapshooting etc. The fact is that a team of good players who've never even met before will lay the smackdown on a team of cr*p players who can shout a lot.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Well, I'm going to disagree with it being important.

Personally I don't think it's the be-all and end-all that people make out.

Focus on getting your personal play better first, once that's where it's at then communication will come.

Paintballers normally can't do 2 things at once, and I'd much prefer my team to be thinking about playing tight and keeping guns up than shouting at me.


New Member
Oct 12, 2001
Visit site
I think that the psychic link that great players seem to have is the pinnacle of communication. They know each other so well that they can second guess what the other is going to do and react accordingly.

Of course, for us mere mortals, telling your back guy that you're going to move is generally seen as common sence. I guess that it's a bit like the what makes a good player - the player or the kit? They are both important - eg an excellent player would be resricted if they had to use a pump against a team all using high end markers. Similarly, a crappy player wouldn't be much different if they played with a rental gun or a very expensive and shiny one.

It's all about the balance of thigs - you can read all about it in my new book coming out in a couple of months -

"Zen and the art of paintball marker maintenance"


Simon Malone

New Member
Nov 30, 2001
Hook, Hants
An unusual thing this, but i'll agree with both Kieran and Beaker on this one. Communication is a factor, in that it can help a situation, or give a less experienced player confidence when the going gets tough. I don't believe in all that "most important part of the game" crap alot of people would have you believe.

Paint shoots fools, not communication :D