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Independent Reports On Paintball !


Registered User
Jul 13, 2001
Planet Planet
Last weekend down at Skirmish Leicester a reporter and Photographer from the Independent on Sunday came down to see the Nexus lads train, UK Jags, Shockwave and Evil Sharks were also there doing a bit of pre Oslo ballin. They stayed there all day and really soaked up the whole tourney scene rather than the punter hunter side. They took a bunch of pictures and the reporter even got himself out there in the middle of it for a game (very funny to watch).

I have spoken to them this week and they loved it, he is writing up the report now and he is 95% sure that it will be in this weeks Independent on Sunday (If not this week it will be in the week after). So get yourself a copy and leave it open on the right page in every coffee shop, hairdressers and waiting room around the country....

Spread the word!



Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
I was there and it was really cool to see guys from a major newspaper covering the modern paintball scene. The guys seemed to really enjoy the day and it was pure class to see the reporter (fully kitted up as Ledz) manage to hold his own on an XBall field.........well, until a certain Mr Summers decided to bunker the poor sod :D

Really looking forward to the article, hopefully it'll be big and help to really promote the sport. Well done to Ledz for getting the whole thing set up.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2001
Rochdale UK
Some credit

I would like to thank Steve Bull from the UKPSF who originally arranged the reporter to meet Ledz and do an article.:D

Well Done all the crew who were at the training day and hopefully thye don't show photo's of the reporters bruises!!!



Snoring Machine.......zzz
Jul 13, 2001
Visit site
Was wicked to see him break to the bunker I'll be playing this weekend in Norway. Definately gave me some moves to ponder over to improve my game.

On a more serious note Ledz, how many copies are you ordering in for Planet? I was thinking take down the wall coverings and plaster the whole place in the article :)

Excellent work on getting the outside press coverage. They looked like they were really enjoying it. Fingers crossed for a pic of the Jags in the paper :D