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MLT--with or without the mayo

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
PLEASE READ: MLT--with or without the mayo

It's that time again. If you've been hangin' round the MLT for awhile this won't be new to you but for the rest of y'all consider this some simple, easy to follow guidelines that will spare you my wrath.:rolleyes:
1--if'n you want to give your boys a shout out or whatever--such posts, regardless of the tourney they're competing in, belong over in A,C & Q Forum.
2--if'n you are simply posting info about a MLT (c'mon, Major League Tournament) you get a bit more lattitude but some such threads may also find their way to A, C & Q or Tournament Forum.
3--if'n yo is asking a question about a MLT "Does anyone know which train I catch to get to. . .", again, some lattitude if I'm feeling in a kindly mood, but otherwise (you guessed it) it's off to A,C & Q.
4--Otherwise, whatever you would like to post related to either the bigtime teams or big series events; Mil, NPPL, PSP is all good.

PS--I may have forgotten one thing or another so if your thread or post disappears. Oops! :p :D

PPS--if you have any questions just PM me

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by headrock6
As if Baca would really know the answer to this :rolleyes:

William Shepphard invented liquid soap in 1865..As to why??Isnt this Major League Tournaments??;)
Like I can't punch up a Google search with the best of 'em.

Please note the above waste of forum space posted by 6 survived only by sneaking in a last second connection to paintball. Been watching those prison flicks again, 6?

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Last Post On This Subject..I Promise

Originally posted by headrock6
Do you really think I'd waste my time looking up who invented soap just so I could post it here??

PS..By the way, It was Yahoo;)...

1--I've been here just long enough to know what I can sneak by and what I cant and Ive seem to got it down to a tee now..Take notice kiddies..Now back to Shawshank Redemtion...
1--Wrong-O :p :D