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New mods


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
need any more mods happy to be one
What the f*ck are you doing coming here and asking to be a mod retard? Let me guess your one of those kiddies from PBnation who asked to be a mod repeatedly and got banned so now your trying to e-peen to their mods saying your one here and you know what your doing ect.

Let me guess youve been a mod on more forums than im members of? Yea right. If you knew anything about this forum you would know its a pretty tight nit community and people who become mods are chosen because they are the most suitable and trusted.

Who are you seriously? We know nothing of you and you have the guts to come on and ask to be a mod just like that?

Take a hint and leave rather than posting stupid retarded questions then putting "bumps" in to get some attension.
