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players union

Rich S

Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2002
i have realised that with the loss of the EPA there is now not really a committee that takes the gripes of the players to the organisers.

in most other sports and in most business there is a union. why not for us?


Pompey Paintballer
Originally posted by Rich S
in most other sports and in most business there is a union. why not for us?
Developing Bolshevik tendencies there Rich? :p

Semi-Serious answer. The "Industry"* is too powerful in Paintball and would either block, hamstring, discredit or absorb anything that might threaten profits

It's kind of like real-life before the Union Movement took off in the late 19th/Early 20th Century. Unions will get infilitrated by industry representatives and there will always be "scab" teams who will go along with the powers that be in order to retain sponsorship...

... oh sorry wrong speech, that's the one I supposed to be making later at Communist Party Headquarters :p

*As a UKPSF type I am of course merely another stooge of the "Industry" so you can discount the above as disinformation