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Playing the front-back players should read too


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Jul 14, 2002
South Centreal Wisconsin
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If you just joined a team and before you played back, but the new team wants you to play front, make sure to read this, or if this will be your first time upfront. Backplayers also read this so they know what their front players should be thinking. Communicate, Communicate. Your back players are going to have such a better veiw of the feild than you, you want to ask them if you can move, when, where opponents are, and everything else you dont know, Ask back players for cover if you are running. Read my Snap Shooting article too espeicially if you are a front player. You need to constantly know where people are, cause you will be receiving the most fire in most cases. So if you only know where 2 of 3 people are, most likely one person will have a clear shooting lane at you and you will be out before you know it. When running, dont shoot unless you are bunkering some one, this slows you down(Besides off the break if you are running a short distance is when you should also run and shoot) and you will most likely miss since your aim will be bouncing due to running around. You want to advance as far as possible, you usually have the least amoutn of balls in the air that are aimed directly at you. But if its one-one (Last 2) ALWAYS Run and shoot to keep that person in, otherwise moving will cost you the rest of the game. As a front player, you need to grab and run the flag, Ill try and post a bunch more tips later on, but when you have the flag, you will most likely be the center of attention, so you're in the snake, with the flag, just stay their and live for a while, wait for fire to die down, once it does, tell your nearest player (Whether front or back player(s)) to tell more people to give you cover, so you can get up and run to the flag staion, or to another bunker, playing the snake is usually pretty dangerous, so be careful, make sure a back player knows what you are doing so he can shoot someone if they are running to bunker you when you are in the snake. I hope this helps a bunch to anyone. Remember to always communicate!!!!!


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Jul 14, 2002
South Centreal Wisconsin
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Well, me, I play for Arrowhead hockey, Im 13 years old (Sorry if you thought I was Danny Love or Bob long Or Glenn Palmer or whoever;) ) I shoot a Spyder Compact/Targa With ACI 6 stage expansion chamber, Shocktech Low Pressure Chamber, Homemade Metal Drop Forward, Homemade Rear Velocity adjuster I just made before i got onto the internet today, ummm I might get a job at the rink I skate at, when I turn 14 I might get a job at Mcdonalds, (September 28 is my birthday). Me and my freinds are trying to start a team, and If anyone has good advice, let me know..... Umm....... Thats about all I can think about off the top of my head


Apr 3, 2002
Maidstone, Kent
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i'm 13 too. I own a bb gun and a air rifle and a big paintgun called a tippman...do you have those in the usa... It runs on the co2/air/nitro mix thats so popular in the UKI think tippmans rock! I can skate too and i like rock music like Robbie Williams but sometime his music is a bit loud and my parent complain. I have been playing at paintball for 3 months now and when i am good enough i want to join a big team like Psycho Bunnies. They are a UK team and are playing in a charity tournament on 4 August at GroundControl. They rock! What is a drop forward. I dont think i have one of those. do they increase your rate of fire or make you slide into your bunker faster? What is McDonalds? is that a building compant like we have here..McAlpine? Nice talking to you...


New Member
Jul 14, 2002
South Centreal Wisconsin
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Drop Forward is a peice of metal or wood that moves the ASA(Air Source Adapter, where you screw your tank in) Downwards, and forwards, hence Drop(Down)Forward(Forward) It makes it so yo can tuck in tighter and be smaller. McDonalds is the most Common Fast Food place in the US. I need a good team name for the one Im starting with my freinds. I hope I egt a job so i can get my Autococker sooner! I really want one! What was Sparklie's post about that you said I was after about? and what forum?? Nice talking to you too


Apr 3, 2002
Maidstone, Kent
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Sorry, i dont understand

how does a piece of metal 'forward drop' thing make you 'tighter' should i get one for my tipman? its quite a small gun anyway and i like the big trigger on it as it looks like a real gun Guns are cool. They rock!