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question to marshals

Dec 23, 2001
East of E-Numberia
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i had a training weekend with fellow marshals on saturday, and a point was raised about wearing clear lenses in goggles.

i ask, is it better to have eye contact, or better to avoid giving away the position of other players through having tinted lenses??

and anyway dont tinted lenses make a marshal look more authoritive on the field over average "punters" cos its just one more thing that they dont have??

just a thought?


From what i've seen marshalls look directly at a player. I've never seen a marshall watch a player with the head pointed anywhere but directly at the player.

From the a little way a way it would be nigh on impossible to see where a marshall was looking with his eyes.
I've done both... used reflective and clear lenses when marshalling. The problem with reflective lenses is that it seems to make you much less approachable which is not normally a good thing unless you have a stinking hangover or a group of little brats you want to scare out of their wits.
From the point of view of not giving away the positions of other players I think you'd find that the average punter doesn't think about looking at where the marshal's eyes are pointing when they play, they're normally much more caught up in the game.
Now I normally marshal with clear lenses in because it makes you much more friendly which in turn leads to less hassle from the customers, everyone having a good day and quite often a nice big tip at the end of it all :D