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Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
I have just read and article you did way back and it was about your dream team, you did have 14 players half Yank and half Brit.

So I was thinking see if you can do another one. Give me 2 teams (7 man) 3 players from each team must be Yank and 4 from each team must be Brit. Now to add a twist you can bring 1 Yank and 1 Brit out of retirement. Both teams will only play Millenium.

Also see if you can do a Dream Team for the World Cup without duplicating any players.

Lets see if your players have changed much over the years. As I beleave 4 of your old team do not play anymore!

It's all for fun!

Andy Piper


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Not So Super Davey

Originally posted by Super Davey
Now that would be interesting to read!!

I'd bring back John-Boy or keith. Both WORLD CLASS.

Johnboy and Keith were good players 'Yes', Keith in my opinion was better but I have to say, neither World Class by today's standards.
I'm afraid the game has long since passed them both by like a turbo-charged juggernaut, any other view is just pure, nostalgic romanticism.
I would rather construct a team with common sense, experience and pragmatism as my directives rather than Super Davey's set of romantic and wholly inappropriate principles.
Robbo :)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Andy Piper
I have just read and article you did way back and it was about your dream team, you did have 14 players half Yank and half Brit.

So I was thinking see if you can do another one. Give me 2 teams (7 man) 3 players from each team must be Yank and 4 from each team must be Brit. Now to add a twist you can bring 1 Yank and 1 Brit out of retirement. Both teams will only play Millenium.

Also see if you can do a Dream Team for the World Cup without duplicating any players.

Lets see if your players have changed much over the years. As I beleave 4 of your old team do not play anymore!

It's all for fun!

Andy Piper
I will start with one team but I am gonna change the rules for selection a bit on this as I believe having to choose 4 Brits along with 3 Yanks is a bit lop-sided and inapproprite as I believe the Yanks (for the most part) to be better players.

The first team I would pick would be

Todd Adamson - Aftershock
Rich Telford- SC Ironmen
Me - Coz I'm so damn good looking and the team needs that :)
Chris Lasoya- Avalanche
Oliver Lang- SC Ironmen
Matt Schmidt - Shockwave (UK)
Frederick Halmone - Ton Ton Flingeur (French)

Now that team would kick ass and even better than that, is when we go up to get our first place trophy, I would give the team that much needed quality, of all round sex-appeal and star quality..oh and of course lashings of humility come the photo shoot.

OK, my second team for selection is going to cheat a bit because I believe in all my years of playing, I have never met, a team of individual players who so exemplify all that is great about our sport.
They are true sportsmen in every sense of the word, great players, great sportsmen ie, they DO NOT CHEAT, they take losing on the chin, they train harder than anybody else in the world and if I had the chance to play for any team in the world I wanted to, these would be the guys whose door I would be knocking on first.
My second selection of seven players is......
The entire Russian Legion Team.
I have been too long in this game to be anything other than a cynic but these guys have shown me what is possible both on the field and off
These are the true Guvvners of our sport.....Believe me !!!!
Uh dude, what about moi?

TJ's feelings are now officially hurt...specially when you put Euros ahead o'me. Jeez that rankles...

and as for your second point, from what I remember of my Brit Pball history 101 class , weren't The Turks every bit as clean as the proverbial whistle? And din't they achieve more than the Legion has thus far? And didn't that Keith dude make you surrender at an indoor tournament by back-dooring you - and he didn't even have any paint.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but...



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Uh dude, what about moi?

TJ's feelings are now officially hurt...specially when you put Euros ahead o'me. Jeez that rankles...

and as for your second point, from what I remember of my Brit Pball history 101 class , weren't The Turks every bit as clean as the proverbial whistle? And din't they achieve more than the Legion has thus far? And didn't that Keith dude make you surrender at an indoor tournament by back-dooring you - and he didn't even have any paint.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but...


OH MY GOD, talk about looking at Paintball thru rose coloured glasses !!!
How the hell you can say the Turks achieved more than the Russian Legion is outrageous even for you Lambretta.
The Turks would not stand a hope in hells chance against the Legion, you know that I'm sure, if you don't , then you don't know paintball.
I mean, they (The Turks) would be all off the field within about two minutes flat watching all seven of the Legion still on the field.
'Yes', the Turks were the cleanest team at the time they played but let me tell you something, I played against them probably thirty times, the Russian Legion I have seen play about twenty times and the Legion are a league above anything out there, past or present when it comes to fair play...No argument, not even a nostalgic, romantic one !!!
Keith did achieve that surrender and it was one of the best bits of play I have ever witnessed, all credit to the man !!!
Anyway TJ, I didn't pick you dude, coz u just ain't good enough.
I don't pick people on what they say, I pick them for what they can do.
And from this side of the Atalantic (or rather Thames) u ain't got a lot but hot air.
Robbo :)
Maybe, but then ain't it apples Vs oranges?

You know, boxers can only knock over the guy who's in front of em...Turks knocked out some big teams, same as Legion.

Plus the Legion have benefitted from up-to-date equipment and are starting from building blocks in terms of what has gone before that the Turks never had.

It's a bit like comparing the Roman dude who ran the first marathon to Haile Gebrselassie...pball has moved on a looooong way in the 6 years or so since the Turks were at their peak...

The Turks wouldn't stand a hope in hell gainst thwe Russkies now; but the Turks at their peak vs Ruskies, in the woods, same guns...Turks win.


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Let the fun begin

Nothing better than watching 2 well known moderators go at it head to head.

Let me get out the popcorn and John Smiths Extra Smooth and get comfy. Buddha I think we should bust out the play by play commentary.:D