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Rumor: Microsoft Killed Plans For "PC vs Xbox 360" Online Play


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
The founder of Voodoo PC, Rahul Sood, says that Microsoft once floated the idea of implementing cross-platform play between the PC and Xbox 360 for a range of titles. Thing is, testing didn't go so well.

The proposal, part of Microsoft's LIVE push, popped up "many many months ago", and would have allowed people playing games available on both PC and 360 - like Gears of War - to take each other on. Kind of like 2007 shooter Shadowrun, only people would actually play it.

Problems quickly arose in testing, however, when Microsoft found that even the best console gamers simply couldn't compete with the accuracy a mouse and keyboard afforded a PC player. "The console players got destroyed every time", Sood says. "So much so that it would be embarrassing to the XBOX team in general had Microsoft launched this initiative."

I know it sounds silly, and in light of Microsoft's recent abandonment (Fable III excepted) of the PC like a thing of the past, but I'd have liked to see this succeed. Sure, it would have had teething problems, but that's what science is for: to test, repair and improve things. I'm sure eventually a nice compromise could have been worked out, if not for competitive play, then at least for the casual user.


GWC 2010 #23
Dec 2, 2004
Yes they did indeed try it with Shadowrun, rumour has it they handicapped the PC players.

That said tho you can get an adaptor that piggy backs on a wired 360 controller so that you can play with a keyboard and mouse.


CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
relaunch this and simply get microsoft to come up with a keyboard and mouse specially for the xbox... i know you can get keyboards and mice to work on the xbox but if there were some just for xbox then xboxers wouldnt have an arguement :) i love pcs...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2009
As above you can get keyboards and mice for both major consoles. Mate has the PS3 one and it seems to work well.

Still most of the folk on the consoles have pads and that is what they will use.

I would like to bash heads with anyone cross platform I think it is a great idea but only if it was a 'fair fight'. I mean that it in a technological sense, everyone knows the better gamers are on the PC :).

Though I would have to start muting all the wining 10 year olds on their Xboxs though !

3L1TE hax

Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2009
Console - Computer = tears... literally..i've played shadowrun and you get dominated...
PS3 - Xbox... if you could get them to shake hands and make up would be awsome :D