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Shoreline Paintball Academy


Therapy Paintball
Feb 8, 2005
Shoreline Paintball are launching the imaginatively named …Shoreline Paintball Academy. The Academy will have one intake each year and the players will typically (although not exclusively) be aged between 18 & 23 and have very little previous paintball experience.

The Academy will support each player with equipment and a dedicated training progam as well as provide assistance with travel and accommodation when they attend events.

At the end of the year the intake will graduate from the Academy and will be encouraged to set up a new team. Additional support will be available to the new team and a new intake will then come into the Academy and the process will begin again.

What’s the point?

There are several good reasons. We hope that the Academy will attract new players to the game or support players who have recently taken up the game – many of whom fall by the wayside as the high cost when starting out can be prohibitive. We also hope to contribute to the overall strength of scenario paintball by adding a new, well organised team to the line-up each and every year.

Why an academy - why not just set up a team?

Whilst the Academy will be similar to a team in many ways (i.e. training, socials, playing in games as a unit etc) it will differ in one big respect – the players will only be members for one year.

At the end of the year, the Academy will have a new intake of players and the existing players will move on. They will be actively encouraged and supported in setting up their own new and completely independent team.

Who will be running the Academy?

Basically, Lee and Tim of Shoreline Paintball will be running the organisation and some of the Academy training. However, third parties will also be contributing to specialist areas of the training program.

What does an Academy player actually get?

Ok – at this early stage, we don’t want to give everything away, but those given an Academy place can expect a high level of support in all aspects of the game.

Training – a specific training program designed to ensure that each player improves as an individual and as part of a unit. The training will also include courses organised by outside organisations such as First Aid, technical training for equipment, field training, fitness and other specialist tuition specifically aimed at outdoor pursuits.

Use of Academy equipment including but not limited to; radio equipment, chronographs, camcorders, helmet cams etc.

Equipment and clothing. The team will have field and off-field uniforms and standardised paintball equipment which will be provided by the Academy.

After leaving the Academy members can look forward to a high level of help and support in forming a new team. Most importantly – it gives the opportunity to make new mates and enjoy paintball.

What’s in it for Shoreline?

We’re in the fortunate position where we can help new guys and girls coming into the game. But as they say there is no such thing as a free lunch, and the Academy will demand a high level of commitment and hard work from the players chosen.

If the Academy works how we envisage – it should be great fun, it will also widen Shoreline Paintballs pool of marshals for Shoreline events. Watching the players improve throughout the year and then set up their own team will be enormously rewarding.

Who is likely to be given an Academy placement?

The simple answer is that anyone can apply so long as they are;

1. Above the age of 18.
Unfortunately, we are unable to be responsible for minors.
2. New to the sport, ideally less than 12 months.
The Academy is aimed at predominantly new players to the game.
3. Preferably not already a member of a team.
Our aim is not to upset existing teams by approaching their players – our focus is on players who are new to paintball and who have the desire to learn and improve.

Attached to this post is an application form, complete it and return it to us. We will then invite a select number of players to come and take part in a selection event. The 2009 Academy places will be awarded after this event.

We hope to take in younger players who are fairly new to the game or who have absolutely no experience whatsoever. It’s possible that some academy players have only ever played as a punter once or twice – having no significant paintball experience is not a barrier.

I’m 35 and have been playing for a year – is there any point in me applying?

As stated earlier – whilst we envisage the academy being an opportunity for younger and new players, that may not exclusively be the case.

Simple answer is to take 5 minutes and complete an application form. You’ve nothing to lose!

What do you ask of those who join the academy?

Obviously, the investment by Shoreline in the Academy both in terms of time and financial means will be significant. The minimum we require of an academy player in return is a commitment to attend the vast majority of dates as set out in the academy calendar – this obviously requires the player’s time, effort and an element of expense.

Most Academy dates will fall on weekends – anyone applying will need to take this into account.

When does all this start?


From the applications we will invite people to attend a selection event. We will then award Academy places to some of the attendees. Once the 2009 intake is finalised, then the academy program will begin.

There is a lot to do between now and the up-coming season – so get the application forms in!

I’ve no interest in being an academy player – can I be of any help?

Yes, definitely. Our biggest challenge is to reach potential academy players as quickly as possible and getting them to apply. Anyone who plays paintball can help us with this.

Please make anyone who you feel could benefit from this opportunity aware of this post – print out an application form for them and get them to send it in to us.

If you own, run or work at a paintball site and know of some punters who are particularly keen then please pass the word on to them.

Maybe you have a family member who would be interested in applying or someone you work with?

If you marshal at a paintball site – please have a chat to any of your punters who show an interest in playing paintball.

If you have any queries, please email academy@shorelinepaintball.com

Application form can be found HERE

Lee Wickham & Tim Barnett
For and on behalf of Shoreline Paintball