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TJs Prozone

Hey i enjoyed your article about how the US is so much better than us Brits and Europeans, it made me laugh,

We all know the reall reason why the yanks are better, i mean we all get hit the same amount of times, the important difference is that the hits arent there by the time the marshall comes over.

Shaolin my arse


Jul 7, 2001
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Hey, I've had first hand experience against a top yank pro team(who shall remain nameless), who didn't wipe at all, just kept coming at us, covered in paint!!

It seems lik a bit of a shame when these players ARE fantastic players, and don't need to cheat. Is this the effect corporate sponsorship has? I must admit I was a little disillusioned by it all....



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by John[SAD]
Hey i enjoyed your article about how the US is so much better than us Brits and Europeans, it made me laugh,

We all know the reall reason why the yanks are better, i mean we all get hit the same amount of times, the important difference is that the hits arent there by the time the marshall comes over.

Shaolin my arse
I just wish what u said were true but it ain't mate, you aren't even close !!
The Yanks cheat, so do the Europeans, in fact I have to say the Europeans cheat just as much as the Yanks, it has nothing to do with any kind of sponsorship just individuals electing to play in that way, pure and simple.
It's oh so easy (and downright ignorant) to put the Yank's success down to cheating but the truth is, like it or not, they are better than us....Period!!! No argument !!!
I don't give two ****s if you have seen this Yank cheat or that because for every Yank I have seen do something, I have seen just the same from some French guy, or some Brit or some Scandinavian.
The Yanks are better because their cherry picking pool of players is about 100 times bigger than ours.
Their recball scene is huge, hundreds if not thousands of times bigger than ours and this translates into a much bigger resource for top players than we could ever compete with.
So rather than revert to an ignorant and long disproved explanation for American supremacy, try to face up to the realities of modern international paintball and try to work on the things that will better us.
Opinions like yours, when expressed, will always find fertile ground in some quarters because it is so easy to write off our (European) lack of success against the Yanks due to our higher moral values when you say 'The Yanks cheat more'.
This infers we do hold the moral high ground when in fact we are just as bad as them...live with it and don't try to create this moral disparity, all that does is make you look foolish, out of touch and also looking for excuses.
The only team who can hold their head up in World paintball in terms of cheating are the Russian Legion, as far as I know and as much I have seen, they have never cheated.
I have never even heard of any player, or judge saying as much and in paintball, that's unheard of believe me.
I ain't having a pop at you John, it's just that I don't want a lot of people to get the wrong idea from your post.
Im not trying to say that yanks only dominate because they cheat, most top yank teams can (and have) easily beat us without cheating, but i can only speak from my own experiences, which are, that i have seen many players cheat, but it ocurs much more often in a top US pro team than anyone else.

I suppose its not really fair to say that yank teams cheat more because cheating goes on at a higher level and there arent that many teams outside america who play at that level.
So i think im starting to understand why Russian legion are as important as you say they are, not just because they keept the ice cream man in business at Mayhem masters even thought the windchill made it feel about -10 degrrees, but also cos if they can play at the top level (ive only seen a few RL games but i was pretty impressed) and win without cheating then it makes the other US pro teams (who i still maintain, cheat more than anyone else) seem pretty lame.
John dude, you're wrong, plain and simple - and I expect better from you guy.

Like Robo sez, I've played against fellow countrymen of mine who cheated their goddamn asses off, likewise Brits, French, Danes, whoever.

And I've also played against clean-as-a-whistle teams from all those countries...it's about teams and individuals, not countries.

Re-read all the Prozones and you shall indeed receive true Shaolin enlightenment grasshopper - and you'll also understand just why we kick your butts at ball.



SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001

John, by cheating are you talking about plain old wiping or players in top teams running down the field covered in paint?

I dont know what position you play on the field but dont forget theres a difference between playing on and just playing the game. If you make a run down the tape for instance and mug 1 or even 2 players you may feel one or two shots hit you, theres no way you can tell if those shots have burst or not until you have finished the move, by and large, better players are always gonna finish the move they set off to make and let the judges sort it out.
All that im trying to say is new formats like supair have made the game highly fast paced and aggressive, in pro games especially you dont really have time to check yourself (excl gog hits). Instead, you have to rely on the quality of the judges and for them to make the right decision.
As for wiping, sadly enough its common no matter what country your from and just like fouling in a football match you have to accept it does happen but as the reffing gets sharper its gonna go down across the board.

Just my opinion :cool:
Matski, Outkast.
As i said i am merely a sum of my own experiences, which are that US pro teams cheat more often than other teams from other countries.

I may have just been watching the wrong games at the wrong time and just been given the totally worng impression, i realise my experiences (since i was 14) of paintball are nowhere near as vast as most of you lot.

Also dont think im saying this because i feel ive been the victim of cheating because i dont, in fact the only complaint ive got is the Image fan club heckling me from the sidelines when i was playing the snake against them at Mayhem.

Mat, yes i mean wiping, I play up front so i know muggings and stuff are never clear cut, and dont expect anyone to call themselves out on the run, but wiping hits is for losers.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2001
Planet Planet

This is Dave Elliott not Ledz, my technophobia prevents me from having my own e-mail id or whatever its called.
Ive read your posts and think you are playing a dangerous game here. Whilst i applaude you for having the courage of your convictions and sticking to your opinion in the face of some stiff opposition i do think that you shouldn't post strong opinions like that over the web.
I'm not going to say whether i agree or disagree but you do risk alienating a lot of people and getting other brits tarnished with the same brush so to speak.
We all have our opinions (based on our experiences playing and spectating) on who are the biggest cheats in paintball, who are the cleaner teams etc but opinions are like arseholes mate, everyone has one and theyre all different. Cheating happens at every level but youre more likely to watch a pro game and hence notice what happens.
If you rid paintball of cheats The Americans would still be better than us for the reasons Robbo mentioned. All cheats don't always win because they cheat, they just win more consistently. I personally have American players who i respect and ones that i wouldn't **** on to keep them warm, But i hold the same opinions about a lot of Brit and European players as well.
What I'm trying to say here is that theyre not all bad i truly believe that in 90% of cases its definetely an individual thing and not a rotten team ethos.
You may be right or you may be wrong in your opinions but publishing them over the web could harm relations somewhat. It may not apply to you and your team as you don't do a great deal of International tournamets but someone somewher will suffer!
What goes around comes around!