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Coaching - your views?


Jeff Abbott - Dye

Which is why i said ( LEGAL cheating LEGAL )

And as posted up players are not being allowed to make there own decisions they are being told what to do from the sidelines.
This carrys no skill just (snakes posted on you wait wait wait ok shoot in snake 3 NOW!!!!!!!!! now where is the skill in that?
There is where the snap shooting comes into effect not hiding behind the bunker until you are told the coast is clear....

ProAktiv Paintball
The Outlawz
You obviously have not watched a lot of coach assisted matches. The teams that win are playing paintball with the AID of coaching not the other way round. If every one hid behind the bunkers until they were told to move no one would ever score any points.


ps... In case you did not understand the point of my post

cheat (cht)
v. cheat·ed, cheat·ing, cheats
1. To deceive by trickery; swindle: cheated customers by overcharging them for purchases.
2. To deprive by trickery; defraud: cheated them of their land.
3. To mislead; fool: illusions that cheat the eye.
4. To elude; escape: cheat death.
1. To act dishonestly; practice fraud.
2. To violate rules deliberately, as in a game: was accused of cheating at cards.
3. Informal To be sexually unfaithful: cheat on a spouse.

le·gal (lgl)
1. Of, relating to, or concerned with law: legal papers.
a. Authorized by or based on law: a legal right.
b. Established by law; statutory: the legal owner.
3. In conformity with or permitted by law: legal business operations.
4. Recognized or enforced by law rather than by equity.
5. In terms of or created by the law: a legal offense.
6. Applicable to or characteristic of attorneys or their profession.


London Mayhem
Apr 4, 2008
Bishops Stortford
campaign was the first big tourny i`ve been to watch, and my first experience of coaching at a big game.

my first reaction was one of shock, as has been said, you jus think, where is the skill in this??? as a new player the thing i love most is the feeling you get when you are flanking someone who is posted on your teammate, and getting that perfect headshot right in the ear :D haha
but seriously i see what people have said about you cant tell the crowd to be silent, cos it will kill paintball as a spectator sport. But waving a massive yellow board level with the opposition snake player is jus taking the piss. i`d rather play woodsball lol

Jeff Abbott - Dye


you need to just put on ya green stupid hat and chillax and pull ya tongue out of Nexus bums and stop pickin on me cus of that stupid "fav Uk player" thread

this is a forum and that is my opinion and what you said is yours and dont talk like that you know me as you have no idea

ive played 7man since i was 15 at school , did not choose to go to college and chose my pb career , had the worst jobs eva because of this until my recent current one, then i had no choice but to suddenly drop 7man format that i was very good at for so long, lost friends and now family , im having a good go at this format ive done my best ive probably forgot more than you know and achieved more than you can dream in either format

who mentioned the fav uk player thread.....?....not me....

As for not knowing you.... well...lets just say I know you better than you think I do. I have seen you and your brother play some good ball. I saw Kellys go up through the ranks and eventually earn a pro spot and you are a core member of Disruption, so you see... I do have an idea.

As for your personal life... It has no bearing on whether coaching in paintball is good or bad and has no place in this discussion.

"Forgotten more than I know and achieved more than I could ever dream of"...? That maybe true but I am not going to lose any sleep over it.

Pebble. Play or don't play, like or don't like. It's your choice but if if it is the latter, do everyone a favour and hang up your boots and stop moaning about it.


Millennium Man

Manchester Outlawz
Damn man are you on drugs that is exactly what i said that the teams that are being coached are winning games so the coach on the sideline plays a huge part in the game and the outcome of it. Read the post again slowly and on less acid.

If someone is in snake and obviously know from the sideline coach that T-bag is posted on them they stay down. And when the coach tells them its clear they can then pop up knowing they are not going to get drilled in the head with paint and can just lane paint across the field with no worries. Now this is what i think is wrong if they pop up and get drilled they will then learn themselves not through bein told like a kid at school what to do.

I watch teams at my site week after week coaching from the sidelines and as stated in the initial thread i think it is cool for training and learning fields just not in tourneys.

ProAktiv Paintball
The Outlawz


Jul 22, 2007
But waving a massive yellow board level with the opposition snake player is jus taking the piss.
Can I just say how much that pissed me off, I mean come on. She wasn't the sideline coach, she was just basically their second coach though. She kept hanging over all the spectators and waving that thing in front of my face. :mad:


London Mayhem
Apr 4, 2008
Bishops Stortford
Can I just say how much that pissed me off, I mena come on. She wasn't the sideline coach, she was just basically their second coach though. She kept hanging over all the spectators and waving that thing in front of my face. :mad:

LOL tell me about it. i got over an hour of video, and it seems like she`s always there, that poxy board flashing in and out of the corner of the picture! :mad:

at one point they had a second guy with a board in the crowd, but this one had numbers on for how many of the other team was left (dunno what is wrong with just shouting "G2...3...4..." whatever :confused:)


Toot de la fruit!
Nov 8, 2004
who mentioned the fav uk player thread.....?....not me....

As for not knowing you.... well...lets just say I know you better than you think I do. I have seen you and your brother play some good ball. I saw Kellys go up through the ranks and eventually earn a pro spot and you are a core member of Disruption, so you see... I do have an idea.

As for your personal life... It has no bearing on whether coaching in paintball is good or bad and has no place in this discussion.

"Forgotten more than I know and achieved more than I could ever dream of"...? That maybe true but I am not going to lose any sleep over it.

Pebble. Play or don't play, like or don't like. It's your choice but if if it is the latter, do everyone a favour and hang up your boots and stop moaning about it.


im sorry for blowing up in my last post, but it just seems your quoting me all the time in past threads and touchin my nerves with what you say

im really passionate about this sport and im sure like you i wanna win and have fun doin it with my best friend's and what is wrong with expressing my opinion on a forum which is what forums are all about in the 1st place on a thread that is either FOR or NOT to have coaching is what im tryin to say

Millennium Man

Manchester Outlawz
Keka- its obvious that between us both that we are gunna stick to our guns of our opinions on coaching, basically in my opinion i think coachin spoils the actual playin paintball on the field as a player as opposed to sittin in the stands shouting "mugger!" and coaches joy stickin their robot players instead of natural paintball talent.

Have a good day...
