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Etek / Ego / Angel 1 ?

custard cavalier

New Member
Sep 19, 2006
No I do not work for WDP,my main gun is a DM????????.

Joined in setember - yes,to voice MY OPINION.

Egos never go wrong???

Of course Egos go wrong,like every gun,i may even have a go on one this weekend at the nspl,it may run ok it may not.

he has asked for balanced opinion,mine has been all bad with egos.yours has not.you have no idea of the problems I have had with 2 guns.mine or your opinion is not necessarily right,but the statement they never go wrong is laughable.


Playing since 1986 - Still shooting fools
May 15, 2003
No I do not work for WDP,my main gun is a DM????????.

Joined in setember - yes,to voice MY OPINION.

Egos never go wrong???

Of course Egos go wrong,like every gun,i may even have a go on one this weekend at the nspl,it may run ok it may not.

he has asked for balanced opinion,mine has been all bad with egos.yours has not.you have no idea of the problems I have had with 2 guns.mine or your opinion is not necessarily right,but the statement they never go wrong is laughable.
I think the point everyone is making is the "blender" reference mate.

I've had 4 Ego's and not had a problem with paint regardless of age or temperature played in. Always shot straight and true - I stopped taking a squeegee out with me - was that reliable. Any breaks i ever did get were usually barrel breaks and shot straight through.

As far as maintenance goes - an Ego is far ahead of any DM - extremely simple to clean and maintain.

I can also vouch for the reliability - never had to return any of my or our teams Egos to Planet for any reason. Over 2 years using them and that is alot of markers.

That is a hell of a vote of confidence !!!

No I do not work for WDP,my main gun is a DM????????.

Joined in setember - yes,to voice MY OPINION.

Egos never go wrong???

Of course Egos go wrong,like every gun,i may even have a go on one this weekend at the nspl,it may run ok it may not.

he has asked for balanced opinion,mine has been all bad with egos.yours has not.you have no idea of the problems I have had with 2 guns.mine or your opinion is not necessarily right,but the statement they never go wrong is laughable.
They go wrong a lot less than ANY other marker. Maybe you did not know how to use / maintain / set yours up?

Now go and lube your dm bolt with several pots of slick so its ready for its next outing!


What do u mean i missed!!
Mar 1, 2002
it all boils down to one own choice

i had an angel 05 speed, great marker, a little on the heavy side (compared to some other markers)but no real problems

then had an ego again an excellent marker, but just didnt like the trigger on it

now running a FS-8 just because its different and i have a DM6 on the way:D

you need to try the markers your interested in preferably during a game, until you find the one that suits you, or take your pick and become a marker whore like 99% of most paintballers:D



As Others Withdraw, We Push On.
Sep 6, 2005
It shot at least a box of with NO breaks.
I had one break on a very cold day in November and Mario broke one ball a few months ago but shot straight through it.
. I have also been tought by Robert Pozderka from PLANET on how to tech the EGO and ETEK. I was a bit worried at first but I can safely say that it is sooooooooooooo easy.
EGO all the way!!!
Damn Right Nige!
yup i started with the 05 Ego and then 06 was in my grasp and ive not let go.or look at anyother gat.. the egos ability to shoot straight breaks (if any breaks at all:p ) .... and i know where im going to my ego serviced IF it ever needs it
Sam out!
Cheers Samsta :cool:
Custard if you are at Reading you are welcome to borrow one of mine for a few games.
I stopped taking a squeegie on field as well as I thought the only use it had was to annoy me.
See you at Reading mate so feel free to come and have a chat and coffee.
this is the same argument we used to have 15 years ago with Mags and Cockers. But I say EGO, EGO, EGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
Cheers Samsta :cool:
Custard if you are at Reading you are welcome to borrow one of mine for a few games.
I stopped taking a squeegie on field as well as I thought the only use it had was to annoy me.
See you at Reading mate so feel free to come and have a chat and coffee.
this is the same argument we used to have 15 years ago with Mags and Cockers. But I say EGO, EGO, EGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Cockers.....pah..rubbish....:eek: :)

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
definately mags, still got my airgun designs video.

Hot shots, greenham common. Lines of paint from room to room, best paintball ever.

Oh yes shooting the crap out of some team called "the preds", or something like that.;) :D