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Kit Bag clear out all items either £10 or £5 (buy 2 get one free)

Brother mike

Brotherhood Black OPS
Nov 12, 2010
No worries, wouldnt wanna have someone complaining and always try to be as honest as possilbe, they arent bad at all infact for now I am gonna keep them anyways :p,

Sorry for the mess around I just love them too much

if they do come back up for sale i'd love to grab them off you because im after white frames:)
Those that have paid for their items, they will be sent tomorrow via first class.

It would appear there has been a slight mix up here, I have been paid by two different members for the sterling number 1 and the faulty one as well.

Wiggles posted first but wasn’t sure which he meant and there has been a crossing of wires.
M600 then posted saying he’ll take them and paid £40 for number 1 and 4, later on in the evening/early morning Wiggles has then sent me £40 as well for number 1 and 4.

Hatman paid £35 for (number 2)

Whilst Wiggles posted first question wise, M600 said he definitely wanted them first, so in my eyes M600 they are yours (Mods would you agree).

There is now two options, I am happy to issue a refund to Wiggles or due to the mix up or I will do you the number 3 (green barrel) for £25 all in and paypal you the money back (or just include it with the pump as cash)

Sorry for this mix up I can only apologise and do my best to make sure all parties are happy
