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pa - banned for swearing?


I guess we disagree about how paintball is progressing, but I do concede if your vision comes true and mine doesn’t, then paintball in the UK will benefit greatly (hell, I could even tell people I know that I play paintball :cool: ).

I have great respect for referees, I have never sworn at a ref, nor abused them (two completely different things).

I marshaled the four seasons and midlands masters tournaments for about 3 years.

During that time I was yelled at, told to wear glasses etc.
Did I consider that abuse? No and I believe if I did it would have reduced my ability to be impartial. Even at such a tender age I had the philosophy of 'sticks and stones', because of this I expect the same from all marshals now.

Also I didn't do it for spare cash, most of the time I wasn’t paid. I did it for the sport that I love, just like I make comments on tournaments I have played so that hopefully the will improve, I don’t like disagreeing with people, but I refuse to keep quiet just to maintain the status quo.
You can probably find my comments on almost every tournament series in the North and Midlands. Usually people’s comments on the forum have changed the series for the better.

From your comments It seems you have little faith in your own refs, less so than any official body in any other sport. I am still unsure as to why this is :confused:


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
In defense of leaving presents.....

Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
Funny, we all understand that a by product of walking down the street may be getting assaulted and having our nose broken/phone stolen, but I don't see the majority being happy with that.

Why should we accept behaviour such as the bonus ball? :confused:
1. Its a much better way of dealing with cheaters. They're slightly less likely to wipe next time your on field if you put 7 in their head when you mug them
2. There's so many balls in flight on a Sup Air Field these days, you can't determine what's intended and what's not. In fact I've seen players deliberately walk into streams when eliminated to either claim overshoot, or create window of opportunity for the players the paint was destined for.
3. Spectacular eliminations are what the spectators want to see. People bang on about TV (sic), and presenting an exciting game, so you think one hit of the glove is exciting? With no central focus spectators need to be drawn to something and if that's getting lit up like Regents Street in December, good. No pain, no gain as far as that one goes. And if you want to present a non-spectacular difficult to follow or work out whose been hit game to the public, may I suggest a guillie suit and 12 acres of woodland.
4. It's a tactical tool used in X-Ball to put pressure on turnaround times.
5. It might well be wrong, but for the 14 year olds who may go from MPANL to play an International, and drawing a US or even Pro team, it's a good grounding in what actually might happen
6. It's generally unintentional, most (experienced), players are generally rolling their guns non-stop on field not looking for targets. We're shooting lanes, if we are looking for targets we may even be shooting in a different direction then switch. So if you put your head or body into a line of paint it ain't the person shooting whose at fault.

To be honest I think some people have got a bit of a persecution complex about taking hits. It's a fact of life, and part of the modern game. You can talk about safety and yes it's an issue, but that really is the fault of the Tournament organisers and those opposed to additional safety measures such as sensible padding. The anti-Dye and padding lobbyists are making the sport unsafe for all, and are only complaining cos their either shooting the lowest grade paint possible or genuinely bad shots. The easiest and most basic safety step is to ensure teams shoot breaking paint. The cheap site armour piercing stuff some teams us at events is unacceptable. Paintball never was is or will be a sport for all, and if that means people have to shoot minimum grade or "freshness" paint then GOOD! I'd rather take 15 from a paint that breaks than 3 or 4 from the Armour piercing stuff. Good paint will break on pads underneath Dye shirts, we've proved it in training. Neck Guards should be mandatory, 2 if necessary!

The above was an example of the lateral thinking that would have helped Paintball become more exciting and possible engineered some TV appeal. Unfortunately we cater to the lowest common denominator, or introduce rules and guidelines than are unimaginative and generally run counter to everyone's aim that is to increase the market penetration of paintball.


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Exactly Mr P...

The same also applies to players standing in an open dead-box, if your taking paint and raise your arm to clearly show the player your dead-then he continues to lay into you (evil cackles optional)-then your being bonused and any judge worth his salt will see.....

As for coaching, if dead players yell into the field...pull bands till he gets the point, any call while eliminated-even to a judge is 141able.......imo, you guys should lose yur crappy rule. Having it in place just tells everyone you are not confident in your judges.


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Sorry, I must be an old fool or something but that the flying **** is a EPZ? Please don't tell me it stands for 'Eliminated Player Zone' (my guess).......... I really don't think the :rolleyes: emoticon really does my reaction justice. Seems the PA is maybe a bit too ambitious in its desires to re-invent the wheel on this one. If you're gonna come up with a new more politically correct (bleh) term for the deadbox then how about something that sounds a bit less retarded.

Football analogy time....... Officials running along the side line in black with flags, these days we're supposed to call them 'assistant referees'......No, they are linesmen.
You cant really blame the PA for wanting to refer to things in a politically correct way.

Yeah EPZ is a bit crap but so is golden goal, assistant referee etc. None of this politically correct rubbish rolls of the tongue.

As long as we are not forced to call it that (I'm waiting for that one) then we arent really affected.


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Why dont they couple it with the no look rule and make it the NBC-Naughty Boys Corner. Roles off the tongue...



Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
EPZ, I'm not going back out there man.........

I'm not comfortable with the EPZ, sounds too close to DMZ. I don't wanna start having flash backs, going over the wire and bayoneting Victor Charlie. You'll probably find me gibbering in the corner of the player tent (is that De-Marshallised too?), with a Necklace of Division 3 player's ears and the body parts of referees (I wanna build my own PA Marshal), with an un-socked gun..... I mean marker in my mouth. I won't go back out there man.............

Then we can all follow the Ho Chi-Ming Trail to the PA Vision in the Sky. :)


"nil taurus excramentum"
Jan 20, 2004
Originally posted by Buddha 3
Hey Claw!

What forum did this happen on? Was it a forum that was attached to the league? If not, perhaps something was said in the thread that justified it's removal. If it is, it does indeed seem a little strange that a thread critisizing the reffing goes AWOL...

To me that is more of an issue than the swearing, although I do feel that some people make waaaaaaay to big a deal of it. Swear away for all I care. What team got banned anyway? Were they given proper warnings before? Did they swear constantly, or was it due to an incident?

Anybody else know more about this?

****, I think I may start a new club: KPD (Keep Paintball Dirty).

****, I think I may start a new club: KPD (Keep Paintball Dirty).

iluv it f****n classic b3 ,lol but i think really to be banned just for swearin is a c***'s trick!.but 1 thing if its good for john macanroe its good for us. if peeps r gona keep doin it to the point of excess then it can be a bit monotius!& i can understand to the point'when u get a ball on the oysters of ya back u gonna shout s**t f**K w**k because it's spair of the moment 'which also understandable by any judge u less it judge GRUDGE!.but hey like b3 sez' f**K ali g's sayin keep it real lol, its now b3's sayin keep it DIRTY!,HAHAHAHAHA IS RITE M8 cant stop pissin me pants with laughter readin this thread .keep it f****n real guyz& galz! & respect to all of ya .:D :D :cool: :cool: :) ;)