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Series 2004 - Skirmish Notts


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Enjoyed today :) Nice to see the weather hold off as well.

Hope you get well soon as well Dave.

Glad I left a little earlier to miss the traffic as well now, left during the presentation of A division... would kind of be screwed if someone had nicked me kit :( and to those whos kit did go walkies, I hope you have some luck getting it back and the thieving little mofos are strung up by the bollocks :)

Cheers again though for a good days balling :)



Jan 2, 2002
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Excellent day, really enjoyed it although we played crap!
Marshalling was spot on all day!
Congrats to the number one spotters! :)

Thanks to Bully, Tracey, Russell, Tris, Mark and all the marshalls and of course Skirmish! :)



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2001
Rochdale UK

I will post the final tables later today on my web site and the points for the series. The thanks etc... will be in the next post

Get well soon the player who broke his collar bone - some people will do anything to avoid sitting exams!!! (for those who don't know he was due to sit an exam today)

Now the THIEF - it must be a player or someone who came to watch as the chance of someone driving past seeing a lot of cars, stopping, breaking into several vehicles and knowing what to take is remote!! Car thieves steal radios as they know they can sell them. If it was a drive-by thief then it could have happened anytime during the day but during the presentations then it is someone who knew all the players would be in the safe area!!!
Incidentally, the over 35's event was soured by a thief stealing Jon Bonich's wallet. So we have a THIEF amongst us!!!

I would suggest that whoever did it must have then left the site as players walked down the track after the presentations. Cast your mind back to when you left did you see anything or anyone acting strange. We must find this THIEF - and I would suggest that if you are reading this posting you should think twice about doing it again because if your are caught I just hope the police arrive quickly.



Active Member
Apr 9, 2002
Durham, North East England
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I just want to say this really sucks, seems like every event someone gets robbed.

If Its a paintballer, as it seems to be. We need to catch the bast***.

Has a team member being selling new gear?? someone must know a team member who has suddenly got new gear after each event????

If its a baller, then everyone take a good look around, someone must be acting funny, or selling kit.

As the police say..."Someone knows something, lets hear it."
A big up to everyone for an excellent day with some excellent marshalling (Apart from a couple seemed to wipe down players when hit and then watch them until hit again... what was that about)

My best regards to PabloChacho who was actually diving over the bunker in from of me on field 2 and I never knew what was going on until after the game... hope it all heals well m8.

I would also like to put a thanks out to the scum bag who knicked two cases of Severe Hurricane from our staging area... the players were all delighted to pay extra to support your need :mad: and in future will security tag each ball to prevent this happening again.

Is it just me or did the standard of ball improve over the xmas break with all of the Div D teams being of an excellent standard.

I think that the odds were aginst us as in one game the were 7 - 3 up, 3 markers went down and we only managed 2-2 :rolleyes:

Ca'nt wait for the next event where we will hopefully have knocked off a few more rough edges.



New Member
Dec 11, 2003
east yorks
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People who dont have really high paid jobs,but love p'ballin,struggle enough to get to these events!!they really dont need there gear(which more than likely cost em an arm and a leg!) robbin' as well!!so if it was one of YOUR teammates or someone u know,just think on,next time it could be YOU!so if u love the game as much as the rest of the players who played yesterday and u do know something..u know it makes sense to tell someone:mad:

hope the guy gets his kit back!and thanks to all for smashing day out!!!:)


Registered User
Jul 13, 2001
Planet Planet
This just makes me sick.... We need to get this sorted out, we all leave so much stuff around the place and we shouldn't have to keep an eye on everything because of one or two scum bags. Can we get some info on what went so we can all keep an eye out for it?

If the thief reads this and feels a little guilty (not that I’m holding my breath) then it's going to be hard for the gear to ever get back to the owners. So if you read this then go down to the post office and send the gear to Planet and I’ll make sure it gets back to the owners. If you are reading this you already know you are the lowest scumbag in the world but doing this might redeem you in some small way.

Address is:

Planet Eclipse Ltd
Unit 7 & 8 Southfield Ind Estate,
Praed Road,
Trafford Park,
M17 1SJ


Rob - Nott'm Tremmor

I was Captain/manager/coach
Dec 17, 2003
Originally posted by JoseDominguez
Thanks to the piece of crap that broke into our bus and another players car during the presentation............... you know who you are you wretched little waste of flesh, and the odds of it being anyone but a baller are slim.......... it happened during the last ten minutes of the presentation..... how many pikeys would know that's the only time no one would head for the cars (you can't get past the presentation with kit bags to leave. So well done, that's another new player who won't be back and me one step closer to jacking it all in, too much cash tied up to risk it on luck.
But thanks to skirmish, you were great when david broke his collarbone and a big help when the bus was done, cheers :)
Where abouts were you parked..?? The main park or up one of the tracks..?? What kind of van was it..?? and what went missing..??

I really hope this was n't a paintballer , Its always been one of the best things in the paintballing community , "trust". You could wonder off knowing that the £1500 worth of gear you've left on a table would be there when you got back. I hope that does not change.

Someone earlier mentioned that it was unlikly for someone to see lots of cars , pull in and break into some motors. Well not so unlikely.I'm not saying it was a drive in stop and thieve , but I used to work at this site , and we did get the odd theft from cars. Now I have not worked there for two years now , so dont know when it last happened. But sadly , it is a possibility. Especially as there is a large sunday market only a few miles away. Lots of 'Pikey' traffic passing that way.:rolleyes: I am not saying Skirmish could have avoided this , or blaming them at all. Just saying it could of happened.
Oct 30, 2001
G Unit
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Little Mother f***ers. Sorry to hear that man.
It's such a pain in the ass these days you cant have **** without little twats coming along and nicking it all.

I hope they get caught because like bully said its got to be somebody that knew everyone was around for the presentation.

Anyhow what a superb Tournament i loved the fields marchelling was good and even the weather was good.
Thanks again Steve Tracy and the rest of the crew for a superb days paintball.

I would also like to thanks Nick @Skirmish for letting myself and Tom play for the guest team we had so much fun.. Thanks Nick.

Ps was anybody else well impressed with the little viewing area they built next to field 2.

See you at the next one
