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The Big Game


Apr 1, 2004
heh, for the first few rounds we were staring at the clouds wonderin what was goin on.

All in all i think the weekend was great (as ive said) and i think it was more fun and better organised than star wars last year, which you lot seem alot quicker to forgive.

EDIT : Just seen the sling video on fatbobs, lol. Remind them that we were north not south!!! :D.


Veni Vidi Vici
Jul 27, 2001
Cheshire, England
Just thought I'd add my thoughs, I'll try not to linger on other points well made.

It was my first Big Game, after reading past reports and the booklet I expected more. There appeared to be lack of "squad" based mini missions and it was just one big skirmish. From the North there were two big squads and then everyone else just went out and did their own thing. (Although Hats did request that peeps came back to him for things to do)

I disagree with the coach comments, i though they worked well and only had to wait 5 mins to get back to my card at the end of the day. Getting out of the car park was another thing!!

The setup tent was good (at the North Side) I ventured to the toilets a few times and felt sorry for the poor buggers on the South as their setpu part was just a bog (Suprised none of them got trench foot!!)

The Warped Boys did good considering the events of the past few weeks, my day was let down by Sh*t paint. I spent the first half of the day squeegie in hand mopping paint soup out of my barrel and breach every 5 minutes (I was running an A4 with the biggest volumiser and the biggest Pipe bore). Not sure if I should name the brand or not. But put it this way I would estimate 1 in every 25 balls burst inside the gun, in comparison I bought 1000 draxxus and got though it all in half an hour and burst zero!

I would think long and hard about attending again, probably would give the Waprd Boys the benefit of doubt.

For all those who moaned about food and water take a packed lunch like I did! :D

And finally, thanks to the guy who crawled over to me in my cover only to accidently shoot me in the leg at short range with his ION, f**k me that stung and it's left one helluva bruise!


The A-5, it's Evolution
Feb 11, 2003
Walsall Wood
Visit site
My 2 pennies.

Camp Site:- It was a pig getting from the camp site to the field, however, i blame the buzzards, and kudos Warped for adapting in this respect.
However, i felt so so so sorry for the families at the camp site. It totally wasnt fair of players to be loud as they were into the wee hours. Lots of kids there, and they didnt go there to be kept awake by us guys. Perhaps a little more consideration for others would have been nice.
Toilets there, OMFG!!! I went for a pee about 2PM Saturday, and they already looked like the inside of a Rhino's arse. But thats, again, more due to the Buzzard problem i thing.

Game Site:- Small, but open. It was small, which was nice in the sense that you didnt have to take food and supplies when going to the front lines. Open, in the sense that for as many players as there were. It was real hard for massed forces to advance with cover. And, like has been said, a-lot of longballing happened.
The river, nice idea, if there was more cover on opporsite banks. The Bridge's were less like bottlenecks and more like the nipples on a babys bottle, and very few ways to get to the bridges in big enough numbers to get accross. Even if you got to them, there was so little cover you were stuck there.

Chrono Stuff:- This p*ssed me off real bad. I chrono to get the sweet FPS for my Flatline, which is usually about 260, so i did it at least for that. Plus, me and my mates are all Warped Club Members who Chrono everytime we go out. Do other players. Christ No! And thats not right.
The fact that the Chrono was at the EXIT didnt help. If they were where ever players entered, and the guys on the door checked the FPS, things may have been safer. Plus. An no point did i get checked on field, nor did i see any. There can be no excuse i feel for sacraficing safety for least friction during the game. I'd rather have stood for 10 minutes waiting to get onto the field, than have people firing at dangerous levels.

Game Entry Point:- I was on the north. I was dead miffed at the state of the path i was supposed to walk to gain entry. At one point i almost fell over some light geniously placed in the way of the players. Plus, at points i was negtiating the minefield of vendors and players taking a break in order to get to the entry point.

Staging Area:- I feel just sorry for the South. I didnt know how bad their end of the tent was until i went to the loo. My word. All's i can say is bravo to the South for working through it.

Food:- Just painfull, having to wait so long for water, or a meal. 1 vendor just wasnt enough.

Vendors:- Truly excellent. So much great stuff, from so many different places at, in some cases, absolute bargins. Kudos to all who attended.

Marshall's:- The ones i ran into seemed to good. Thek knew the difference between spray and bursts etc... However, i heard a lot of negative about some. So, perhaps next time, make sure they all know how to do it.

River Crossing:- Several times, the guys sorting the Rental and Co2 had to scream at players to abide by the river crossing rules. If they were busy, then many players crossed however they pleased. From both side's this was. Plus. As i said before, it just made the stalemate all that much harder to do anything about.

The Convoy:- I didnt have to much to do with that, but im just glad i'm not the one who has to clean them.

The Game Site Loo's:- My God!!!! Porta-Loo's with Mirrors!!! I was extremely pleased in this sense.

Thats about all the bad. Good wise, there are just too many.

Conclusions:- Ok. Could have been better, and in ways a let down. But still a good days Paintballing.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2004
Just wont to say , i enjoyed masrshalling the first one iv ever bean to and loved walkign on a field surounded by 700 people with guns :eek: sceary but well worth it , jsut thank the guy that shot me and left a big golf ball size lump on me head peace all


Veni Vidi Vici
Jul 27, 2001
Cheshire, England
Oh one final thought that no one else has mentioned...the film crew. They spent the entire morning talking to people and the rig at the top of the field was cool, couldn't resist doing unessesary dives and slides into bunkers in front of it. But I found it funny when the poor guy who hurt his ankle after only about half hour, the crew rushed over dead quick to get an interview. I hope this was to get a balanced opinon of what happened.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2002
Yeah, enjoyed marshallin the day it was great (I was the girl right next to the cameras so look out for me on the DVD :) )
Yeah, sittin in the middle of the field, 300 people shooting straight past you was really exhilarating.
Only had one guy argued with the me the entire day, everyone else I took off was really good about it. I saw some playing-on (maybe not intentional), but very little wiping.

Big Up to the people who asked me to move if i was in their way and didn't just shoot me, didnt wipe or play on and didnt argue: I met some nice people, had a good day.
Thanks all, Peace. See you next year ;)

edit: also, Big Up the film crew, you did a good job hope you didnt get shot too much


Tippmann UK
Nov 3, 2003
Visit site
I got to shoot at people so I had plenty of fun

Also had the usual casual chats with strangers whilst under heavy fire
(anyone else always expericence this at big games?)

good atmosphere
and marshals werent shy in paintchecking anyone

and warped were excellent when I bought my ION
set up to rip and heaps of customer support every time I ran back to the tradestand with a new question

"But I found it funny when the poor guy who hurt his ankle after only about half hour"

poor tony, he played for one hour before he hurt his ankle
and worst part was he was able to walk on it by the end of the day


It's a chimp and a chair!
Nov 5, 2002
View from the North..

Well my first big game under the belt and what do I think?

Well you probably don't care to be fair but I'm gonna tell ya anyway.

I played for the North (of course) with The Brotherhood, added to which we claimed Le-Pig and his travelling buds for our happy band.


Travelling down in was no huge problem, could prbably ask for a couple more signs but I'm not fussed. directions were good if you were using the M6, but if you lived on the eastern side of the country you had to make your own up I guess. Ok, it's a minor point.

Got to site, nice and early, plenty of room so staked us out a space with the help of Andy, Adam, Dave and Will. Dave got out the brotherhood flag and we sat about waiting for others to arrive and join us.

Decided to head down to the site once registration had opened just after three, registered, bought a few bits of kit from the trade stands (Adam found a couple of bargains!) and got a walk round the field of play. At this point I was suprised by the field size and was wondering how we were going to get 700 players on it at once, but we did!

Bout 4 to 4:30 we headed back up to the camp site and sorted out food and beer and settled in for the evening. I have to say this was the highlight of my weekend, sat about having beers, meeting a whole bunch of peeps. The policy for the camp site was no markers in sight or sound, which was fairly well stuck to. It's hard to resist showing off your baby to people you've just met. :)
Manageable fires were all about the place and pretty well kept in order, and it seemed a good time was being had by all. Then we decided to sling water bombs at the mercenaries, admittedly our aim was slightly off, Andy having the best shots I seem to remember, but I put that down to the beer and not having anything against them in the first place (theit tent was the most inviting) I have to say they responded brilliantly to this barrage by sending two guys on a flanking mission with a fire extinguisher, took us by suprise, but a top laugh!

Sleep sweet sleep. Only interrupted by the torrential downpour and pretty impressive storm at around 4-5 in the morning.


Up at the crack of dawn (ish) get to the site for 8, expecting the players briefing at 8:30, get set up on a couple of tables (we were lucky to have a couple next to each other so we almost had enough space, big up to Dave and will for securing the tables)
Get paint sorted and at pretty good prices so thumbs up to the trade bods for that. Al ready to rock by just after 8:30.
Get briefing from warped and ready to roll out by gone 10 am I reckon. I'm a touch miffed at this point but hell, organising 700 people aint easy, so can't complain too much as we were underway!

Get the heads up from Hatts (big thumbs up to BOTH generals by the way for keeping the scenario working for as long as it did, they seemed to try their best to break the skirmish line) and it turns out that along with the Scottish Warriors, the Brotherhood are to be used as a large unit. this involves us reporting back to Hatts at the field HQ everytime we respawn so we can be put back in the line where we are needed most.

Game starts and all hell breaks loose, everyone was lost into a big skirmish line and order is pretty much dissolved, with the noteable exception of the Delta guys (possibly due to their radios), the boys from legion and, later in the day, parts of the scottish warriors. The game site feels very very small with both teams trying to move forward, the most frustrating thing from the morning for me was maving up from cover to cover only to find nobody following and then being left behind a leaf and a branch while the south pushed forward. Not pleasant at all. Despite the lack of order at the front and my atrocious shooting (I blame the paint, honest! :) )had a great time till bout 12-12:3- ish when I broke for 10 mins food.

At this point I'll mention the marshalls, the film crew (if they want to interview me one more time I'll scream! I draw the limit at four times) the awesome girls from the food van and pretty much everyone involved in the days play, ok so we started late, but I'd enjoyed every minute of it until I took a break at lunchtime and in the majority all these guys worked hard under less than perfect conditions. I never suffered from a bad call, and when I queried one poor marshall with the phrase "you've got to be kidding, none of their paint is breaking!!" about 6 inches from his face, he very calmy pointed out the LAKE of blue paint on the other side of my marker. I looked suitably guilty, apologised to him, I think my words were, "Sorry mate, was clearly just being a tw*t" gave him my armband and headed out of the game. Big up folks you all made the game so much more enjoyable for me.

The afternoon started well for me, getting across the rivver and causing no end of probs to the south, big thanks to Mads at this point as the only guy who would back me up as we made a top flanking move and eliminated a bunch of southerners, all that and he did it with about 30 balls in his hopper. Nice.

It had been a good day all round so far, but I increasingly came across people playing on or wiping as the afternoon wore on. I know it was a fairly long walk to get re-inserted but I deplore that kind of play in paintball at any time. I managed to cross the river and walk backwards towards a bunch of south players (keeping my yellow 'north' tag facing away from them of course) and once they had passed shot two of them and moved on my way. I ran around a lot at the back and got eliminated, heading to the exit point I found one of the guys I had shot playing on with a team mate next to him, two shots, one on his pack on on his leg clearly visible. Grrrrrr.

The nature of the game with the river in the centre created a fixed skirmish line that was almost impossible to break unless you were lucky enough to push at a time when the other side was low on numbers, while being lots of fun, it became boring for me in the afternoon, I know of several players who left hours before the end having shot lots of paint and got bored. Anyway that's about it I suppose,

Well done to Warped for getting the site moved, I enjoyed the game though I did get bored towards the end (didn't stop playing mind), nice paint prices, though I suffered a whole load of bouncers (maybe due to the lowering of the fps?), and a good atmosphere all round I felt. Shame about the slightly static nature of the scenario through the afternoon though. Big thanks to The Brotherhood esp Andy, Adam Dave, Will and Bod, I had a top time meeting you guys, better than the game. Also Massive thumbs up to all the mental people who supported me running towards the southerners, Mads, half the Scottish Warriors, Ryan, and Delta force (you guys need help you know).

Will I be going to 2k6? If we get aplayers party I will.
