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Anyway! If you are really interested in getting into the scenario side of things, you should definetly consider the Smart Parts SP8, it's an awesome piece of kit and is, in many peoples opinion the best scenario marker on the market.

Back off topic, seriously stop arguing lads it looks really bad for the game, be it sceanrio or tourney. You are on a thread started by a new player and this is the impression he is getting. Not exactly a positive picture.

Good luck in whatever you decide Rookie Cookie. See ya on the field ;)



I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Face said:

Anyway! If you are really interested in getting into the scenario side of things, you should definetly consider the Smart Parts SP8, it's an awesome piece of kit and is, in many peoples opinion the best scenario marker on the market.

Back off topic, seriously stop arguing lads it looks really bad for the game, be it sceanrio or tourney. You are on a thread started by a new player and this is the impression he is getting. Not exactly a positive picture.

Good luck in whatever you decide Rookie Cookie. See ya on the field ;)


Why, one would almost think you were sponsored by Smart Parts...oh .....wait a minute


Doing men things to men in the woods atm
Nov 21, 2004
Poppacap said:
Christ is this thread still rolling on,its just so easy

Equinox baby ...Woodsballers complaining on forums would require skill's other than those needed for strapping on webbing ...you know, reading and writing for example and we all know that fast thinking isnt the scenario players forte so that aint gonna happen.


what the hell has straping on webbing got to do with playing woodsball

as far i was aware thats called scenario two different worlds most people who play in the woods use the same gear as torny players but prefer to play on varied fields over a long day with a lot more play time

and have no interest what so ever in being or wanting to be soldiers but reading all your posts you do want to make a big deal about being a torny player for some reason who you trying to impress ?or is it just all one big online epeen for you on the forums

would like to add have nothing against scenario or torny but just hate this guys narrow minded views


Doing men things to men in the woods atm
Nov 21, 2004
rookie cookie said:
Hi i want to get into woods ball what what type of gun do you think i should get i only want some thing like a auto mag that the use at the normal paintball parks .. any ideas thanks bye

back to subject get what you like the looks of

ask people if you can fire there guns

get a nice mask first

then splash the cash would avoid blowbacks made that mistake myself but... know people who use them and have a lot of fun

last couple of walk ons the gun i see the most seems to be Angels but then they are nice guns

if i was you would get a nice mech autococker (2nd hand)much more fun and can be upgraded as and if you ever need to but then iam biased

as others have said the smart parts sp8 is nice if you want to look like you come out of a game of halo
Game said:
as others have said the smart parts sp8 is nice if you want to look like you come out of a game of halo
Yeah defo :)
But it ain't just about it's looks mate, the gun itself is excellent, fast, reliable, accurate, fun. It's a brilliant gun, and I think that Smart Parts are doing it quite cheap at the moment, might be wrong?!? ;)


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
i play tourny ball factomundo but it doesnt mean i hate woods!

i know you guys would kick my hairy tail!!
the difference being is that the games have both developed in their own ways

through and through tourny ballers will get mashed up in the woods

woods ballers would get arses handed to them in bouncy castle land!

you may all be thinking am i getting to a point!?....

here it comes!

poppacap!....dude! chill your beef with the woods guys man!!
most people start there! i did! for those who are launched into the tourny world without seeing the grass roots of paintball often have the negative attitude toward rec/ scenario pball and it just rubs people up the wrong way like your doing!

i for one sooo badly want to play this years big game cos it will be well cool to get all camo'd up and crawl on the floor for ages wasting peoples

doesnt mean i dont like tourny ball! i love it to pieces! i train people to get better at it!

now to get back ON TOPIC!!

i have an ion, it serves me well enough to play div1 PA so it sure as hell will serve you well enough for woods ball action! they are awesome. and have enough upgrades to shake a stick at! and you wont be outgunned either.

if you want to go more militarised
rock out with the SP8! for when you absolutley positivley gotta look the baddest mother on the field! and boy do those bad boys shoot!! up to 17bps

any more questions then just fire back!


Wolf City Union