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Calling All Angry Ballers

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Ok, you don't have to be angry but it certainly won't hurt. What I'm looking for is some different perspectives and possibly some new ideas. No guarantees but good stuff could find it's way into a future 'View from the Deadbox' (assuming the gnomes fail to come to their senses ;) ) and, yes, you will be given credit for whatever you contribute.

I was prompted to try this because of something I spotted in one of the forums mere moments ago. It was a notion I'm going to write about [and expand on] and hopefully will appear in an upcoming issue soon. And no, I'm not saying what it was but the source will receive full credit.

Anyway--if you've got something to say you can either post it here or pm me. Thanks in advance.

PS--for you smart-alecky types, no, I've not run out of ideas but I am open to the notion that you lot might, I repeat, might, also have some good ideas. :rolleyes: :p :D


New Member
Mar 13, 2004
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how about this.

paintball is a team sport, right?

so why when (or if) you win do you only get ONE trophy. shouldnt everyone on the team receive something, and no not a box of paintballs that goes in a couple of minuits or a meaningless tshirt/ squeegie/pair of gloves thats left over from a trade stand at the end of the day.

i want to see one trophy for the team AND individual medals for each member of the team. that way everyone gets something to show for the tournament. something you can take home and show your mates/family and brag about for the rest of your life

does anyone agree with this?

Paint Marine

New Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by dan0011
how about this.

paintball is a team sport, right?

so why when (or if) you win do you only get ONE trophy. shouldnt everyone on the team receive something, and no not a box of paintballs that goes in a couple of minuits or a meaningless tshirt/ squeegie/pair of gloves thats left over from a trade stand at the end of the day.

i want to see one trophy for the team AND individual medals for each member of the team. that way everyone gets something to show for the tournament. something you can take home and show your mates/family and brag about for the rest of your life

does anyone agree with this?
yeah sounds good idear to me,only problem i have is who will pay for the medels and tropys? beacuse i mgith get very costly?

thorughts on this ballers good idear?


All NEW All Rippin
Jun 3, 2004
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So just how much input/influence should a sponsor or sponsor's representative have on a team !!! :confused: Do some have to much or do some have not enough :confused: That to me would be interesting !!

Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Mr Loco,

I would like to say how sick and tired I am of hearing about marker 'a' is soooo accurate and marker 'b' is soooo inaccurate.

What a farce! Now, I am not saying that there isn't some grey black magic type distinction between two markers that MAY make one a mere fraction of a percentage intrinsically more accurate than another but COME ON!!!

People piss and moan about how one is more accurate than another and quite frankly I think it's utter tosh.

If people want to talk about accuracy wouldn't they be better off talking about the consistency of their air system or more importantly the paintballs that they shoot?

Paintballs just never get their due respect. It's like the films always get accredited to the director- what about the friggin writer? They thought it up, from nowwhere, sweated in their pit and put pen to paper and all the director had to do was film it!

Anyway, I digress... I would like to see some credit to paintballs. Want your marker to shoot accurately? Well stop buying the £10 boxes of sugarcubes, load it with some Hellfire/Ultimate Evil/Insert your own top quality paint here and watch the accuracy of your marker improve!!!!

If you want to know a markers worth, let's see them rated on...

1. It's speed
2. Ease of use
3. Maintenance requirements (or lack thereof)
4. Weight
5. Cosistency on a proven reliable air system
6. Paint Detection system effectiveness
7. Cost of ownership (how many 9v does it eat a month etc)

NOT how 'accurate'they are...


Oct 27, 2003
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Short and sweet, if paintball is to become more popular why is tourney play so hard to get into, i can think of a million rec sites in my area but the closest sup air is quite far away maybe more punter days at sup air sites to help with costs


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
mr b,

why is there so much bull**** in paintball? This markers the best, this paints the best, this part is the best, this loader is the best, this pair of trousers is the best.

Why has politics taken such a big hold on paibtball? does it help the sport in any way?

word up TFP
