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Important info as regards to UKPSF membership


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
whether this is aimed my way or not i don't know but i will respond anyway. i have never questioned steve's motives or integrity and never will, and i have never said anything against paying £15 for the insurance. all i have said is i would like information and clarification on points i stated in my first post, and the chance to make insurance compulsary from the start of next season so we can renew in the off season.
i need the clarification for 2 reason's, first is that i make a point of reading all the fine print on insurance documents so i know what i am covered/not covered for. and the second reason is for my junior team, if i dont fully understand i cant explain it to my youth team, and only then does cost become an issue, when i'm talking to their parents asking them to pay extra for their kids to play paintball. you think trying to convince players to sign up is hard, try convincing parents that aint exactly convinced paintball is right for their kids. it aint easy.
Sneaky, if I wanted to aim something specifically at you, then trust me, you'd know; but in this instance, it was aimed at everybody ... not only people who had commented in this thread but other people who might have similar views who might read my post.

Steve is one of those people who feels reluctant to defend himself, he said as much to me prior to all tihs cr@p kicking off, that's his choice.
I will defend anybody on this forum whom I believe to be doing the right thing for the British baller and for paintball as a whole, and I will defend these people to the hilt.

I think it's time for everybody concerned to take a deep breath and chill ......... in ........ out!

Hmmm .........

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
all i have said is i would like information and clarification on points i stated in my first post
Did you considered writing to or calling the UKPSF direct, for that information

The chance to make insurance compulsary from the start of next season so we can renew in the off season.
There is no off season in paintball

i need the clarification for 2 reason's, first is that i make a point of reading all the fine print on insurance documents so i know what i am covered/not covered for.
Covered by my first point

and the second reason is for my junior team, if i dont fully understand i cant explain it to my youth team, and only then does cost become an issue, when i'm talking to their parents asking them to pay extra for their kids to play paintball. you think trying to convince players to sign up is hard, try convincing parents that aint exactly convinced paintball is right for their kids. it aint easy.
It's called Insurance to play a sport, Parents understand that


Active Member
Jun 18, 2009
robbo i thought that but i had to check :)
dark warrior, cant be arsed to quote all (u know how lazy i am ;) ) so i'll reply in stages.

#1, no, because all posts were suggesting my queries would be answered after campaign, i'm in no rush as next event is a while away.

#2, i consider 4 months without a tournament an off season, obviously training is still on but as my earlier post asked, is insurance required to train?

#3, as above.

#4, u would be surprised, saying they need insurance makes it sound more dangerous to parents who have no idea what we do and have no interest in finding out. i only speak from my experience, yours maybe different. i have some parents that will pay anythin for their kids to play, and others that are very reluctant after buying a complete setup and training fee's. so the more i can provide the better.

on that note the new documents bully mentioned to andygoth sound good, looking forward to a read. thanx bully.

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
robbo i thought that but i had to check :)
dark warrior, cant be arsed to quote all (u know how lazy i am ;) ) so i'll reply in stages.

#1, no, because all posts were suggesting my queries would be answered after campaign, i'm in no rush as next event is a while away.

#2, i consider 4 months without a tournament an off season, obviously training is still on but as my earlier post asked, is insurance required to train?

#3, as above.

#4, u would be surprised, saying they need insurance makes it sound more dangerous to parents who have no idea what we do and have no interest in finding out. i only speak from my experience, yours maybe different. i have some parents that will pay anythin for their kids to play, and others that are very reluctant after buying a complete setup and training fee's. so the more i can provide the better.

on that note the new documents bully mentioned to andygoth sound good, looking forward to a read. thanx bully.
1. My point being is if you had any detailed questions about buying house insurance or car insurance would you not ask the question direct to either the insurers or the brokers - Your friends can only tell you if they think its good or not, but not give you the full informed answers that your questions require.

2. For you it's 4 months - for a lot of us it's an all year sport. This is not a sup-air only paintball world, for you information by far the biggest uptake by far of the UKPSF players insurance is by the Scenario/Walkon sector of paintball and a lot of them play all year round. This is for paintballers in general not for one little subset, why should supair be a special case?
Side note:- Having an off session sign on date would mean that any new supair players that wanted to start playing for a team mid session would not be able to.

3. As above

4. Almost every sport or club their kids are likely to join have a memberships scheme and an insurance policy built into the membership fees so you arguement does not hold water. Paintball is playing catchup in this respect and we are a long way behind.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
robbo i thought that but i had to check :)

Sneaky, I suppose the bottom line has to be mate, the primary consideration of our player base being insured when they play, and the cost of that insurance being £15 per year .... that's not even a box of paint and you can do that easy enough in a year when going through the process of chronoing your marker [in a year].

I think this puts it all into some form of perspective, well hopefully it does anyway.


Shooting for the ladies
Dec 21, 2007
1. My point being is if you had any detailed questions about buying house insurance or car insurance would you not ask the question direct to either the insurers or the brokers - Your friends can only tell you if they think its good or not, but not give you the full informed answers that your questions require.

2. For you it's 4 months - for a lot of us it's an all year sport. This is not a sup-air only paintball world, for you information by far the biggest uptake by far of the UKPSF players insurance is by the Scenario/Walkon sector of paintball and a lot of them play all year round. This is for paintballers in general not for one little subset, why should supair be a special case?
Side note:- Having an off session sign on date would mean that any new supair players that wanted to start playing for a team mid session would not be able to.

3. As above

4. Almost every sport or club their kids are likely to join have a memberships scheme and an insurance policy built into the membership fees so you arguement does not hold water. Paintball is playing catchup in this respect and we are a long way behind.
1. The reasons why points were brought up in a forum is because it was the forum that was used to inform players that the insurance was going to be compulsary from the next event (and yes I know that has changed now) - so it was here that people put their concerns - rightly or wrongly.

2. The point here wasn't raised to bully - this was raised to Rich and Mark, about why make it compulsary in the middle of this season and not started at the beginning of the next. From the point of view of the CPPS the off-season is after the last tournament.

3. As above.

4. His argument does hold water I'm afraid as it is an extra expense that they originally did not know about. However I'm sure with proper explanation that this is a precautionary measure and for the "what if" scenario than I'm sure they won't mind. However they would still have doubts until 1 and 3 are adressed. I'd also like to point out that the sneaky snorkels do so much to bring young players into the game - they put a lot of time and effort into this, and talk to their parents regularly that he is aware of their concerns.

I'm by no means criticising Bully here as I know that he has put a lot of work into paintball with not a lot of thanks in return. I also know that he is doing his best to get the full details which will help with points 1 and 3.

Also I know that £15 is a fantastic price to be paying for this type of insurance, but see it from a different point of view - Bully is not the one providing this insurance it is provided by a different company through him (so this is not directed at him), but if the t&c's are not in order then if, god forbid, anything did happen then the insurance wouldn't mean much and it would be like giving £15 away. I am for the insurance - I have had it for the last two years, just want some clarification for peace of mind - nothing more.


Active Member
Jun 18, 2009
1. mshell said exactly what i was going to say,

2. u obviously dont realise my team has been a scenario team for 22 years and my second in command runs one of teams at npf's diamond wars then? we play woodland until xmas and start as soon as the site opens, if i have 4 weekends without paintball in a year i'd be amazed. so although i agree paintball is a continuos year round sport, woodland and any other uk tournament is irrellevant to the point that i'm only being made to have insurance for the cpps events, which is a 6 event season currently. and as mshell said, it wasnt aimed at bully in any case, was a general queary.

Also I know that £15 is a fantastic price to be paying for this type of insurance, but see it from a different point of view - Bully is not the one providing this insurance it is provided by a different company through him (so this is not directed at him), but if the t&c's are not in order then if, god forbid, anything did happen then the insurance wouldn't mean much and it would be like giving £15 away.
finally a post echoing my thoughts.

i find it disappointing that in a sport where everyone is supposed to help each other myself and mshell are finding so much resistance and general ignorance rather than help in answering very straight forward questions made in our first posts.
and seeing such a repetition of statements suggesting 'its only £15 just pay it regardless' is getting tedious. robbo how bout u buy a cardboard box from me for a tenner? i wont tell you anything about it but just buy it anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2001
Rochdale UK

The insurers are in the process of producing the required documents and they should be with me early next week.

The UKPSF players insurance registration system will be reactivated when the web tech has sorted out a server move. If players register they will be covered once they have a PayPal receipt BUT the membership cards will not be posted for 10-14 days as I have to concentrate on my own business until the end of the month.

Thank you for all the support and comments, the final factor was the threat of a horses head in my bed if I didn't reconsider !!!!

If all goes to plan I will be at the CPPS and you can ask questions face to face and get honest answers
