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Is pgi doing enuff for newbies


Mother, is that you?
As the question says. If you're new to the sport what kinda info are you looking for from the mag? Is the balance right, or is it all a bit too confusing?

What would you have in if you could?

And as a matter of interest, did you find the mag before p8 or vice versa?



Paintball Addict
I'm not quite a newbie

I've been playing rec-ball for quite a while, and started subscribing to PGI a few months ago. I've only gotten two issues in the mail so far. I found the forum before the mag, and was a member of the forum for weeks before Robbo and TJ convinced me to subscribe. I hesitated, mainly because I had never read a copy of PGI. Robbo offered to send me a free copy to help decide why PGI was a better mag than the rest. I subscribed, without ever taking him up on his offer. He had enough faith in the mag to let me compare it with its competitors, which I saw as a testament to the quality of the mag. The content takes a little while to get used to, mainly because I didn't (and still don't) know all of the players that are mentioned. I figure that after a few issues this will now longer be a problem. However, the balance is great; there is enough content about improving your game that even non-tourny players can get alot out of it. Did I mention that it is funny as hell?

Dec 29, 2001
land of the picts
Visit site
how about the last few pages of the mag being short one line precis' of the good and bad points costs and overall rating per £/$ of all the gear / markers / paint etc that have been tested. A bit like what car etc does. this would really help. I know u'v got what paintball etc cos i'v e got it and read it but the lsitings at the back of the regular mag woud be really helpful (in my opinion) :)



Team Rampage
Oct 9, 2001
the one thing that put me down on the mag is the adverts, there r tooooo many, nearly evry other page is trying to sell something, i know this is putting more money in ur pockets pgi but instead os some of ur ads, put out some more articles or tips, i find ur tips and technique articles very good, helps me to improve, especially about getting my gun upgraded, latest issue pointed me in the right direction, cheeeers


Well-Known Member
Cowface, I'm sure you know this, but that's one of the main ways they keep the magazine rollin' is with the ads. If you really want to appreciate PGI, then pick up, oh, say...an issue of APG and check the ad. vs. article ratio, you'll see a noticable difference.
Later, Bud.:)


New Member
Nov 12, 2001
Cheshire, UK
I don't think there is much in PGI for newbies, but then again, why should there be?

there is ALOT of sites on the net (& forums) willing to give out help and knowledge to newbs, this is how i learnt the majority of the things i know about paintball, from the web (part and parcel of been a geek i suppose) :)

Compare PGI to other mags devoted to a small* fanbase. Hi-Fi Monthly, Electronics today (made them up, but u get the point), I’m sure they don't have a dedicated newbie section. People are expected to learn things as they read on, and if they don't pick up something, they can go on the net and read up more. PGI is a paintballers mag, but no body should expect everything they need to know in a monthly mag for under £3, its just not gonna happen.

The net is a amazing resource. Let em use it, if they can't they deserve to be lit up :)
