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Is pgi doing enuff for newbies


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Jan 23, 2002
Anchorage AK
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I like the mag. I does seem a little fishy to me that there is never a bad review of a gun (maby there was and I just missed the artical).

The one thing that I don't like is that I have subscribed to the mag, alooooonnnnnng time ago and haven't receved a single issue. Not really sure what to do about it, so I just sit here and wait (sigh).
Never seen a bad gun review?

Dude, you ain't been looking closely!

Mr Big told me the mag's policy on guns is pretty simple; review each with regard to its individual merits, taking into account who it's aimed at, price point etc. Check out PGI's sister publication What Paintball Gear? - there are some less-than-complimentary reviews in there.

Also, if something a real piece of **** they just send it back - why? Cos it's better to use their pages to push stuff people might actually want than to trash a gun.

Tha otheer thing is that now tha industry has matured and become more professional, there are few truly bad guns - some are better than others, some are over-priced and under-specced, but truly bad? There ain't many...



Better Things 2 Do!
Second Hand buying guide?

I think a section on buying second hand guns might be useful, as it could show people what to look out for on specific guns, things that could be broken, or to look out for because in some cases it costs nearly the same to buy a new starter marker as it it is to buy a used better model, if you know what I mean?

PS if there has already been something in PGI my appologies only got my subscription in Dec01 - and if there has can someone let me know which issue - specially one on autocockers - cheers :)