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Mission Paintball back on TV


Northern Baller
Sep 23, 2007
Near Newcastle
They must be replaying it all, i series linked it on sky plus, makes for some good watching, hopefully somebody will pick up on it and maybe re-start it or something :D


Northern Baller
Sep 23, 2007
Near Newcastle
To be honest (and i meen this with all due respect, as it was from a long time ago), its no wonder paintball is not televised! I think if they re-made the show now and incorporated hybrid woods and air then it would get a good rating especially on a sports channel etc.

I dont meen it in a nasty way but look at what paintball is now, to be honest i love playing woods and air but the scenario's etc that are filmed here are not much to go on. For example speed ball, yeh it looked good to play but why incorporate a ball?? seems a little pointless etc.

If it was remade with markers and players of the present day i think it would be a good prog to watch.

Taking into consideration what paintball was then to what it is now.... where do we go in the future as a sport? The prog itself looked like a decent punter day, if only the paintball of present was publicised i think it would have a far greater following.


Platinum Member
May 26, 2005
paintball for the most part is like cricket, boring to watch the actual match, but interesting to watch a round up of a tournament with the best clips.