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official pgi survey....make an effort geezers

Hmmm let me think!!!

Well theres me, and then I take it to my proper job and six or seven people read it there. And then at the weekend I take it to the site I work at and most of the Marshals read it as does the air-smith and the manager. Then it sits on the counter and a few punters have a quick flick.
Now let me add this up........
I would say about 30 people on average per month...
Jeez perhaps I should start charging:D


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
I used to be one of them cheap types (no, not canaries) who read someone elses copy, but I've subscribed now (which will hopefully start next month).

When I finally get my very own copy, I expect it will be read by between 5 and 10 people (not regulars mind - I won't let it "do the rounds" - the tight swine can get their own copy*)

Apart from October, when we have our freshers faire, at which point anything up to 500 people may have a browse through a copy of that fine publication.

*A this point I'd like to an official "shaat it" to Hotpoint - yes, I know, I was once one of them freeloaders, but hey, you were doing PGI a favour by keeping me hooked. Or something! ;)


M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by rancid
read the bleedin question... geez people from cheshire eh?:p
Engaging Trainer mode :D

It would help if you phrased your query in a form that makes sense without room for confusion.

I believe the question you wanted to ask was;

"How many people, other than yourself, read your copy of PGI?"

or even

"How many other people, besides yourself, read your copy of PGI?"

though in reality the question you should be asking is;

"How many tightfisted buggers out there steal your copy of PGI and read it rather than subscribing themselves, and why haven't you stopped them yet?"

and there's nothing wrong with the people from Cheshire,apart from the fact that they're inbred, stuck up and stupid ;)

I'm from Merseyside for my sins, I qualify as stupid enough to live here though.

Oh and besides myself usually two people.



Crispy Fried
Jul 7, 2001
North Wales
Visit site
me...... plus 4 (3 tight fisted team mates and 1 marshal from my field) then it gets left at the site and thumbed by loads of punters...... I mean "customers":D

Rich S

Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2002
i get it every month, then my house mates sometimes read it if they can't be bothered to buy it them selves. then some of the team flick through if i take it to our team meetings. when i do the freeloader 'Flash - bugout' reads it:D