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Ollie Lang clinic cancelled.

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Markie C

Carlos Spicy Weiner
Aug 1, 2004
Northern Quarter
I can see every ones point and i see that £200 is a lot of money so why would 50 players come and see dynasty then ????.

Fair enough we did give a lot of discount out but still it sold out in 1 day now but now now we cant sell spaces for the best player in the world so whats with that.

Why should i Bring some one over for every one and take the brunt of the charges ????

Maybe it was the wrong time of year who knows but i do know that when ever any one comes to one of our pro clinics they said it was the best money we have ever spent.

we make sure every thing is covered even from getting signed posters at the end of the day and giving ever one a free lunch.

Now twizz came to the northern quarter and did a clinic as well for us and it was really good it still cost us money though.

We held the first ever american pro school in the UK it was never done before we brought xsv over when they had just won the PSP and the a nppl event.

Now they did cost a lot less to get over at that time not sure why i think it was just so they had there flights paid for to get to the UK because campaign was the week after and it showed in the price that we charged for it £50 for 1 day and 70 for 20 but as with that a lot of discount got given out because we didn't think we would fill the places and we didn't not by a long shot we lost a hell of a lot of money with that.

But what the point like i said davey willimson and glen takemoto are coming over in august but with that they are cosing a lot less to bring over because they has something on here and it got cancelled so so they had flights so this will reflect in the cost.

thanks to every one who understands we will be back with some thing new soon
Well feel free to organise it yourself if you think its so simple mate
This is now gerring beyond the point I have made.


You could put together the best day of paintball that anyone has ever had. The fact of the matter is, if your intended audience feel that it does not provide value for money at face value then you will not fill the seats.

I am in no way knocking your organisational skills. I have a lot of respect for the fact that you guys have put together what is widely considered one of the best supair sites in the UK. So please dont consider it a personal insult towards yourself.
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