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Tattoo's and Piercings?


lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
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OK this is a big bad world full of macho paintballers etc....

Who has been tattooed? Pierced? Scarred?(deliberately...ouch I've seen those scarifieying piccy's) ......what have you got and where is it??.....I saw a bloke at a Nottingham tourney with a Prince Albert......yep just flopped it out and was proud to have it!!(Nasty)

Me I have just started on my tat collection just the one, upper left arm......the Imperial symbol from Star Wars....sad but true..

OK lets see how this one pans out:D :D :D

Did the peircing bit a few years back luckly it didn't get completely out if hand not sure how I feel about getting shot somewere peirced.

Once had just a normal plain stud spike me when I took a shot to the ear marshalling and yes I was wearing ear protection but a cap not the jesters hat

Am still debating weither of not to re peirce my nose I was always catching it on my goggles and having to take it out and now it's sorta half healed up.:confused:

I keep telling my self to be brave and just go for it and re do it my self.

Also have Tragus dead cool low profile

belly, fad thing and the orrigional from the wish list tounge thats a long story.

Yes in the distant misty past when I was a happy club/gym bunnie
in the life bpb um mumble years ago there were loads of peirced people and as every one knows if you get a new toy you want to show it off.
So I have seen a few weird and wonderfull things.

Personally I draw the line at any thing involving drills, they really must be mad.


lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
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Sparklie have you seen that one where a fella has a piercing through his bobby's then goes all the the way to the bottom of his *percy* with a bar by the side of it? .........looks nasty and would probably mean aiming at the bog is not to easy.........poor bloke would have to sit down to pee!!

Not good....evil..pee all over the place!!

not sure after the firts couple of flashes of neither region peircings I got wise to this offer of let me show you my peircing ....
usually part of chat up line so run away run away very fast.

Mate of mine really goes in for diy had two other mates hold him down whilst pierceing his nipples I think it involve a hammer and and ice cube:eek:

Not supprisingly it regected and it and his nipple fell off:(


lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
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Ouch!!:eek: :eek:

Sounds way painful........not for me .....Very Nasty!!

Ok folk if you're gonna get a piercing done do it right.....OK

If they ain't got the gear don't smeggin' do it!!

Too right being a sad woose it took me 4 years to pluck up the corage to get my tounge done. especially after my nose experiece.

That was the most painfull acctually being peirced and went sceptic afterwards nearly lost it and legged it to cold steel in camden really cool proffesional piercers:cool:

They had a fit and made me promise not to have any more gun peircings as they are not completly sterile and had caused my problem.

It was funny watching people evaporte out of my way in tesco's
didn't happen with the stud in but as soon as I had the ring all be it a delicate little one with cute pink heart, they just looked worried and vanished even if I was smilling:confused:


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
Pierced nipple. stretched earlobe (10mm). I did do my tragus but for some reason passed out before i could get the ring in. That was weird!!! Oh, and Robbo, i have your name tattooed on my arse!!!!