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Am i being ripped off


Dec 11, 2006
This may sound like a stupid question but me and my mates went paintballing in swindon last month and you paid 5 quid for a pot with 100 balls in. Do you actually get 100 balls in them. It just seemed that there wasnt 100 in there can you get pots what hold less than 100 in because it just seems we were being ripped off.Another question i am off to delta force in bristol on sunday. Is there any way of sneaking in a box of paintballs because they charge 125 for a box of 2500 what a rip off.


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
no one ever counts the balls when they pot up but your getting around about a hundred, and a fiver is actually pretty good for punter prices.

Go for it but expect to have them confiscated or get kicked off the site if you get caught using your own paint

TBH it sounds as though your ready to make the next step and buy your own and go to walk-ons ..Delta Farce etc is good for people who dont want to play often but as soon as you realise the extortionate mark up these places charge on paint (necessary or not) its time to move on.


All the gear, no idea
Apr 6, 2006
Mooching round the 50, with the flag
Having marshalled at a few sites now when you buy a pot of 100 balls it's 'approximately' 100. No-one is going to sit there and count them in, you could get 60 shot pots a few years ago but these are clearly much smaller than the 100 shot pots around now.

In terms of 'sneaking a box in' practically no chance for two key reasons:

1/ a box of paint is a big, bulky and relatively heavy item, you can't exactly stick it in your jumper
2/ unless you buy the idenitcal paint to the site down to sjhell and fill colour you'll be found out as soon as you start shooting

£5 per 100 is a pretty good site rate (lots of places are £6 including DF) you have to remember the site owner has to cover his costs, kit hire/maintenance/cleaning pay the marshalls/site insurance and running costs and still turn a profit to make the business worthwhile.

as a customer you can't take your own paint as the site owner has no idea how old it is or how it has been stored it invalidates any insurance

The short version would be no, you weren't ripped off. You're paying customer day rates.


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
5er is cheap mate - most places you pay £6 - 8 as far as i know, ask if they do discount (are you a student or oap?)

£125 for a box of 2000? erm, maths anyone?

£5 a pod - 10 pods = £50 = 1000 paintballs
£5 a pod - another 10 pods = £50 = another 1000 paintballs​

TOTAL = £100, 2000 paintballs

are you sure about that amount???

and its most likely you get near to 100, not an exact, a mate who plays pump got a pod and we were loading his 10 shots and he got 97, they're normally pretty accurate.

look for the top for any sign of cutting down or re-attaching the lids if you're critical.



Active Member
Jan 1, 2006
5er is cheap mate - most places you pay £6 - 8 as far as i know, ask if they do discount (are you a student or oap?)

£125 for a box of 2000? erm, maths anyone?

£5 a pod - 10 pods = £50 = 1000 paintballs
£5 a pod - another 10 pods = £50 = another 1000 paintballs​

TOTAL = £100, 2000 paintballs

are you sure about that amount???

and its most likely you get near to 100, not an exact, a mate who plays pump got a pod and we were loading his 10 shots and he got 97, they're normally pretty accurate.

look for the top for any sign of cutting down or re-attaching the lids if you're critical.

He put 2500 not 2000.

And an easy way of getting paint into a site is to take it out the box.



Feb 27, 2003
If you want to sneak them in you'll get thrown out, end of. I marshaled at delta force for just under a year and I regularly threw people out for using their own paint. If you don't match the shell or fill colour on your balls, the marshal will see them and most are quite happy to just take a look inside your hopper. Similarly, if you break a ball in the breach and it's not site paint, expect to get chucked.

Places have to charge that much for paint to pay for their overheads. 25 quid per person isn't going to pay the bills when you consider that in a day for 100 people you're going to need about 8-10 staff, equipment maintenance, CO2, rent (which can be bloody high) etc. You've also got to take into account all the advertising you see them do to get punters through the door. It all costs. If you take in your own paint, it's like taking your own food into a restaurant, and it contributes towards putting the business under.


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
oops, shame me reading aint as good as me maths! damnit, ah well - boxes come in 2000 anyway

besides, it should work out cheaper to buy a box then individual and you should point that out to them! specially if there's a group of you going.


Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
Paint only costs £20 to £30 per box (2000 balls per box) if you buy it yourself, and the rates they charge at a site work out at around £100 a box. But that doesn't mean they are ripping you off. ITs the same as going down the pub. You could have bought a pint of beer in tesco for 50p but it's costing you 4 times that in the pub. Is that a rip off? No, because you aren't just paying for the beer you are paying for the venue the staff etc. It wouldn't be right to bring your own beer into the pub. And its the same with paint at sites. (That is unless of course it is a bring-your-own event, in which case you'll have paid a higher entry fee to cover the costs and they don't need to make it back through the paint sales.)