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Euro Ball Update

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
think about it

In 5 man you dont have to carry dead wood cos you select the best 5.

Not rocket science;)


In our case of course we only have Jack Wood - no dead wood


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by sykesg
would you say there is more team work involved in 7 man that 5? Never really thought about it but the more players the more chance to carry dead wood.:confused:

There is a direct relationship between increasing difficulty and team size, it's just a matter of numbers !!!!
And don't be too confused about 'dead wood' problems, a lot of teams have them, it's just dealing with it where it becomes a problem :)

Nexus Prattowski

Blue Blood >> Sandbagger!
Jun 11, 2002
Wham Bam Thankyou Maam

Respekt to the Backlash boys for taking 1st in the Am Division - A job well done. Luvverly Jubberly.

The tournament itself was fan-bloody-tastic. Great venue, great fields and the marshalling was some of the best i've seen. - A big thanx to all involved:D

Lets swamp this tournament with some more british talent next year!!


Smakin your Bitch up
Aug 22, 2001
Not confused about dead wood issues just interested in the mentality that Hellwood had 5 players who could play Pro and win but increase them to 7 and they have to play Am.

I thought this to be a team work issue rather than quality of players issue.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by sykesg
Not confused about dead wood issues just interested in the mentality that Hellwood had 5 players who could play Pro and win but increase them to 7 and they have to play Am.

I thought this to be a team work issue rather than quality of players issue.
Then if you need that confusion resolved, just think about trying to integrate teamwork with seven players all of whom have one leg, are short sighted and the jitters.
That principle should allow you to see the light and if it don't........... you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear......... and if that don't....... 5 good players and two weak players just creates the environment where teamwork (if there is any) is structured around 5 good players and two weak, thus the team is built on weak foundations, simple !!
And what on earth made u think that teamwork issues are independent of quality of player ?????
Now I'm confused :)


Smakin your Bitch up
Aug 22, 2001
again not confused just interested and hopeing to spark your views on team work. The team in question being Hellwood who could play pro at 5 man but am at 7 man.

Is this because they have dead wood in their last 2 players or is it because the increase in team work needed across the team is beyond them at the moment?

I'll try and explain what I ment about the team work issue rather than quality of player issue to ease your confusion. A great player has to shoot, move, stay tight but also be part of the team listen to them and feed back to them.

An example of a truely great player with stacks of potential who I've watched play in awe is Colby. Great shot, mover and as tight as a ducks butt, but he plays his own game and, for now, needs to learn to listen and talk back.

So my question, just out of interest, about Hellwood is team work issue or quality of player issue?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by sykesg
again not confused just interested and hopeing to spark your views on team work. The team in question being Hellwood who could play pro at 5 man but am at 7 man.
Is this because they have dead wood in their last 2 players or is it because the increase in team work needed across the team is beyond them at the moment?
I'll try and explain what I ment about the team work issue rather than quality of player issue to ease your confusion. A great player has to shoot, move, stay tight but also be part of the team listen to them and feed back to them.
An example of a truely great player with stacks of potential who I've watched play in awe is Colby. Great shot, mover and as tight as a ducks butt, but he plays his own game and, for now, needs to learn to listen and talk back.
So my question, just out of interest, about Hellwood is team work issue or quality of player issue?
Look, teamwork is not really such a big issue as some people would make out, if you think it is, then obviously its harder to make it work if you don’t have the quality of player on board across the whole team profile.
What you should be recognising is not so much whether or not teamwork is responsible for their team deciding to go pro or not, it's just that it is easier to play pro if you have five good players as against playing pro in seven man with 5 good and 2 weak.
I mean, that's just common sense and is independent of any teamwork considerations.
I hope this clears things up :)