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Euro Ball Update

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
Pro, am, up, down...

I've never really liked teams that suck ass a bit and drop because they think they either can't cut it at the level they've aimed at or think they can achieve more at a lower level.

Hellwod were a rippin' ass pro team and just coz' they lost a couple of players or whatever, unless it was a real heavy blow where half the team did one, then i can't see how they can't stay as pro?? 5 man or 7. Any pro team (I suppose this is kinda aimed at 'Lash too) who have the experience of playing as pro should have the nonce and resources to strengthen their team as necessary, not drop because they can't find a couple of game saving players. If you have 5 rippin pro players a couple of weaker dudes then surely the weaker can train up to the same level AND even slightly weaker pro players would in turn be top ams, thus making it unfair on the amateur division, would it not??

What would happen if an am rated team suddenly took on 5 decent pro level players??


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Sep 18, 2001
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He says teamwork is not everything!

There is a difference mate!

As for hellwood they've been through a lot and they had lost plenty of players & sponsors.

At the end we all know that the millenius series is the place to be. The results of it wil sort out bragging rights 'nuff said



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by rancid
So, let me get this right: you're saying that teamwork is irrelevant.
Ohhhh Noooooo, u know full well I ain't saying that :)
I am saying in the case of deciding to go pro in a five man with 5 good players as against going pro in a seven man with a team roster that is not up to it, isn’t dependant upon the consideration of teamwork.
Teamwork is certainly important that's for sure but is academic in this case as you guessed :)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by acsik
BTW Robbo
What happened in the finals with nexus?? You guys were going strong both days?

We had a game plan for each and every game with each player having a role within that plan, we f##ed up against Millennium and didn't do the plan, it's as easy as that, we put it right again in that last game against Camp and we went back to normal, winning :)

**** happens, a good lesson for us all I think :)

But we did what we had to do in that tournament and I am really pleased with the way the guys played and conducted themselves, we also did not get any penalties in over 15 games of paintball !!!


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Sep 18, 2001
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We made that mistake too in the finals against Backlash it costs us the 1st place Am.
Well chalk one up to reckless teammates... (dammit)

Live 'n learn :)


p.s: There IS paintball in Hungary :)

Fabian (doriane)

New Member
Oct 2, 2002
about Hellwood

All i know from them :
they prefer play the millenium in AM not because they are weakest but only because millenium is hardest (more american teams).
TO be as good as american, european must invest lot of times and money.
Only few of them can do that.
Tonton, Enemy, russian, nexus...
It s not like some years ago where any good teams were pro.
the word "pro" seems to be right now.
Pro = Team play every week, big budget, coach and play lot of big events.
AM A = good team play some days a month, some good tourneys, some good results

Sorry for my bad english.:D :D
Fair points dude

Tha whole Pro landscape is changing now - and if X-Ball hits both US and Europe with limited numbers and demands a financial commitment as we suspect it will, then there will only be maybe 10 Pros in tha States and half-a-dozen or so in Europe...

But who in Europe has tha financial backing, apart from RL, Tontons and Nexus?